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View Full Version : Hell Girl Hotline Opens On The PlayStation 2

June 30th, 2009, 19:39
Compile Heart, the company behind Cross Edge, has the license to Animax’s Hell Girl (aka Jigoku Shojo) anime. Hell Girl is a series about revenge. Anyone harboring animosity can log on to a website and condemn soul to hell. Of course, there’s a price to pay. Whoever condemns someone to hell also goes to hell when their life ends.

Compile Heart made a Hell Girl game for the Nintendo DS and now they’re working on Hell Girl: Mioyosuga for the PlayStation 2. The title is mystery adventure game and it’s slated for release on September 17.

No US release has been announced and I wouldn’t expect one… unless Compile Heart adapts Hell Girl with the movie Drag Me To Hell. You know, that could work!
