View Full Version : PSP-FTPD: A FTP Server on your PSP v0.3.2 (faster)

April 9th, 2006, 23:39
Hi All,

Here is a fast new release of PSP-FTPD the FTP server for your PSP.

What's new in version 0.3.2 :
- Capability to specify in a configuration file (psp-ftpd.cfg), a root directory for the ftp server, to prevent ftp clients to access all the content of your memory stick. See the psp-ftp.cfg file for the syntax (The file format has changed !).

- Improve transfert rate: 500kbps from PSP->PC and 350kbps from PC->PSP using Filezilla. DON'T USE Internet Explorer if you expect high transfert rates, use rather Filezilla or other suitable FTP clients.

It has been tested using gFtp on Linux and Internet Explorer and Filezilla on Windows.

As always, two binary versions (for 2.x and 1.5 FW) and sources are included in this zip archive.



April 9th, 2006, 23:58
next version should have multiple authentity options with a different root directory for every one of them :)
and if possible even faster :D gonna see if this one is faster for me :)
it crashes when the network switch is off :( you should make some warning for that :)

woa nice improvements there :eek:
went from 78 kb/s to 300 kb/s :cool: :cool: (compared with 0.3.1 :) )
using flashfxp and a 2.01 psp :)

April 10th, 2006, 00:03
Multi-user and multi home dir, it sounds good and not hard to do, thanks ! :)

April 10th, 2006, 01:18
wow that is a huge increase in speed.
it is almost as fast as my internet connection runs at
cant the wireless b run at 11mbps that would be sweet to run this that fast

April 10th, 2006, 01:21
a theoretical 1,375 MB/s isnt possible i think and its already at 500 kb/s so i guess there cant be much improvement but who knows what zx can do :)

April 10th, 2006, 01:28
i cant get this to work

April 10th, 2006, 01:42
I can't seem to load it up...
It's something to do with the router but I am still not too sure. I can connect to the router 100% from the PSP main menu. Does this mean that I have to configure the router to open certain ports? I am still not too sure :(

April 10th, 2006, 01:53
you probably need to set your router to accept 802.11b connections, probably g-only, search for it

i cant get this to work

thanks for explaining the problem...
try again :rolleyes:

April 10th, 2006, 02:49
hmmm both g and b are enabled.

I have another problem with my router as well (don't know if anyone has a solution besides "your router is busted or you are subscribed to a dodgy ISP). The internet cuts off every 20 minutes (I think the internet cuts and not the signal from the router...the wireless network never seems to reconnect during this period). Anyone have any ideas? I don't believe that you can find firmware updates for the router's model as well.

Here's the security log.
Security Log
Apr.10.2006 00:48:28 security:Session -- Prot: 17, > 6462.743 ~ 6599.973 size 288/48 time-out
Apr.10.2006 00:48:28 security:Session -- Prot: 17, > 6473.284 ~ 6599.973 size 48/48 time-out
Apr.10.2006 00:48:28 security:Session -- Prot: 17, > 6465.891 ~ 6599.973 size 140/0 time-out
Apr.10.2006 00:48:39 security:6610.736 Blocked Prot=6, >, AF Seq=-677389277, Ack=1303460179 -No Existing Session
Apr.10.2006 00:48:39 security:6610.736 Blocked Prot=6, >, AF Seq=-677389277, Ack=1303460179 -Disallowed Destinat
Apr.10.2006 00:48:58 security:Session -- Prot: 17, > 6507.843 ~ 6629.971 size 48/0 time-out
Apr.10.2006 00:49:00 security:6631.603 Blocked Prot=6, >, S Seq=-141207412, Ack=0 -Disallowed Destination IP
Apr.10.2006 00:49:01 security:6632.342 Blocked Prot=17, > -Disallowed Destination IP
Apr.10.2006 00:49:03 security:6634.403 Blocked Prot=6, >, S Seq=-141207412, Ack=0 -Disallowed Destination IP
Apr.10.2006 00:49:08 security:6639.364 Blocked Prot=6, >, A Seq=-325683836, Ack=-2145524014 -No Existing Sessio
Apr.10.2006 00:49:08 security:6639.364 Blocked Prot=6, >, A Seq=-325683836, Ack=-2145524014 -Disallowed Destina
Apr.10.2006 00:49:08 security:Session -- Prot: 17, > 6417.712 ~ 6639.977 size 1888/9118 time-out
Apr.10.2006 00:49:08 security:Session -- Prot: 17, > 6507.845 ~ 6639.977 size 288/48 time-out
Apr.10.2006 00:49:08 security:Session -- Prot: 17, > 6517.306 ~ 6639.977 size 48/48 time-out
Apr.10.2006 00:49:08 security:Session -- Prot: 17, > 6510.679 ~ 6639.977 size 140/0 time-out

April 10th, 2006, 03:02
sory for not explaining
i get it to load on my psp but when i type in ftp://"myusername":"My pass"@ nothing comes up i also tried not haveing a usrname and password but still nothing came up on my pc i tried it in mozilla firefox and in internet explorer but it just wouldnt come up

April 10th, 2006, 03:19
now it works
i just downloaded filezilla and it works fine

April 10th, 2006, 04:32
that's good. I was going to suggest explicitly forwarding port 21 to your SEVER, but that shouldn't need to be done within a local network (only if you want people to access your ftp server from the internet.

What router do you have?... and is your IP address dynamic/static... you get your IP from your ISP via DHCP or do you have to manually set up your router for the internet? Need more info and I may be able to help. may be off topic though. Send me a PM.

April 10th, 2006, 06:32
god im sick of this peice of shit id be better to just keep using my usb cable i mean who the **** needs this piece of shit program.

Sorry but im pissed cause i cant beat this smb3 level

April 10th, 2006, 09:25
god im sick of this peice of shit id be better to just keep using my usb cable i mean who the **** needs this piece of shit program.

Sorry but im pissed cause i cant beat this smb3 level

Thanks for your constructive comments. ;)

April 10th, 2006, 12:27
I got a spectacular transfer rate copying 1 big file, avg 370kb/s, but still recursive copying or deleting folders with many subfolders is very buggy. Hopefully it'll get even more improved as i consider using it instead of my usb 1.1 connection.
And maybe you should have a look at the network codes of pmpmod, to make streaming videos smoother :D

April 10th, 2006, 12:55
I got a spectacular transfer rate copying 1 big file, avg 370kb/s, but still recursive copying or deleting folders with many subfolders is very buggy.

Which kind of FTP client do you use ? Filezilla ? IE ? ... I'm using PSP-FTPD to transfert MP3 (and so with subdirectories and 3 ou 4Mb music files) and i've not encountered such problems :eek:

Hopefully it'll get even more improved as i consider using it instead of my usb 1.1 connection.
And maybe you should have a look at the network codes of pmpmod, to make streaming videos smoother :D


April 10th, 2006, 13:06
Which kind of FTP client do you use ? Filezilla ? IE ? ... I'm using PSP-FTPD to transfert MP3 (and so with subdirectories and 3 ou 4Mb music files) and i've not encountered such problems :eek:


he probably means that its slow, a memory card is just not capable of that i guess, it all works great for me with flashfxp, you really improved it since the last version :cool:

April 10th, 2006, 13:37
I'm using filezilla, the problem occured when copying a folder of folders of jpegs (a manga book), totally more then 200 files. Occasionally some of them were skipped. I guess filezilla reconnects each time it tranfers a file and timeouts cause the problem. When using IE the copying process stops after approx 50 files with IE not any longer responding to my inputs.
But thanks anyway, a great app to play with!
PS: @zx-81: what does :D mean, as answer to my question? :D

April 10th, 2006, 14:02
@daibo: i mean, it's a good idea :)

Samuel Cave
April 10th, 2006, 17:06
i need help in installing it... it keeps coming up with "data is currupted"... does anybody kno how to install it... my psp is version 2.60 on a 1GB memory card...thanx

April 12th, 2006, 23:47
Sorry for spamming a big lonnng log. It seems that my ISP is the cause of the problem related to the internet...but I continue to remain puzzled on how to use the FTP server on the PSP.