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View Full Version : The DCEmu Network Public Interview (Question #1)

April 10th, 2006, 22:22
Many of you will know i used to have an Interview site (http://www.emuxbox.netfirms.com/) with Great Interviews with Coders from many Homebrew Scenes.

Well with that in mind, im going to try something unique and whilst it may fail :p it is something that ive never seen done before and thats a mass interview of all the members and thats 40,000 + members :D, whats going to happen is that ill ask maybe 10- 12 questions, one a day over a 2 week period to see who we are and what we love about emulation and homebrew.

So to start the ball rolling (remember never give personal info out unless you feel safe doing so) ill ask a question and answer it myself then its over to you the members of the only Console Homebrew Network in the world.

Question #1 - Can you tell us about yourself, where you're from, and about your job, school, etc?

(yes easy one to start but it lets people know about you)

Well im the webmaster of a group of sites now totalling 18 (mad git), ive been a fan and more of emulation and homebrew since at least 1997.

I am from the city of Nottingham in the UK, famous for Robin Hood, Torvill and Dean and Nottingham Forest and sadly Gun Crime capital of the UK (it seems that way anyway).

Went to school at 2 sites in probably the roughest part of the city but on the whole enjoyed school but was glad to be rid of it :D.

For my job ive been a Gardener on an award winning park for nearon 18 years (i am 34 btw) and whilst i enjoy my job i cant see me doing it for years to come.

So thats my answers, feel free to join in this experiment of a mass interview on the DCEmu Network, answer via the comments.