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View Full Version : GAME OF THE WEEK: Paper Toss

July 3rd, 2009, 17:31
As anyone who follows me on Twitter will know, Paper Toss has been a source of mixed emotions for me in recent days. It’s provided joy, in that I’ve discovered it, loved it and basked in its zero cost glory. But by the same token, the inability to put it down has been a genuine cause of domestic strife.
Paper Toss is nothing more than a basic velocity game, requiring players to ‘flick’ paper balls into a bin. The complicating factor comes from a desk fan, the position and strength of which varies from try to try.

Players must adjust the trajectory of their toss according to the side and strength of the fan each go. Its power is represented by a number between 0.01 and 6.49. This isn’t a problem when there’s little power, but as soon as the speed ramps up, predicting the correct arc of the flick becomes a very delicate affair.

Easy mode is fairly simply to master, but venture onto Medium or even, god forbid, Hard mode and the challenge increases considerably. On the toughest setting even the most subtle changes in wind power require incredibly precise adjustments to conquer.
Paper Toss is one of those games that really comes into its own when you’re in the zone. Some days it just doesn’t click, and you find yourself missing fairly simple throws. Get your brain into gear though and start chaining dozens of successful throws together, though, and the addiction factor cranks up considerably.
This is ‘one more go’ factor heaven, and the ability to upload high scores to leaderboards just adds an extra layer of crack-like addictiveness to an already awesome package.
But the thing that elevates Paper Toss into the realms of brilliance is the fact that’s absolutely free. The number of quality 59p, £1.19 and £1.99 titles available on the App Store already makes many £39.99 console titles hang their head in shame, but the fact that something as good as Paper Toss is available for nothing at all asks serious questions of current retail models.
And the reason it’s free? There’s a link to download £1.19 app Ragdoll Blaster (which is alright) on the game’s main scream.
Developer Backflip Studios has stated its intention to start charging for the game soon, and whilst it almost seems wrong to deprive it of some well-deserved revenue, you’d be foolish not to download this before it does.
