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View Full Version : You Don't Have As Many PS2 Games As This Guy

July 6th, 2009, 20:48

The PS2 has been out for a while now. Most of you probably have a few games for the system still lying around the house. Reader Syd doesn't have a few. He has a lot.

Syd - a collector who runs...The Personal Computer Museum- is on a bit of a PS2 bender at the moment, and flushed with pride, sent us this snap of his library. Over 1200 games. And Syd would like you all to know that number's not being padded with Greatest Hits variations; he only picks those up when they include worthwhile, additional content (like his Devil May Cry special edition).

For reference, his first game was the original Jak & Daxter in 2002, while the 1000th game was...Chicken Little: Ace in Action. Hey, you collect, you collect the good and the bad.


July 8th, 2009, 12:18
Twelve hundred... Wow, I've barely even reached two hundred with my small collection of over a hundred.

Like with mine, I bet this guy picks up a few pre-owned titles for his collection.

July 10th, 2009, 15:49
I've only 32 PS2 Games, :P This guy has put al lot of money in it.

Can't understand why you have so much. You can't play it all :p It takes years.

July 11th, 2009, 23:44
I've only 32 PS2 Games, :P This guy has put al lot of money in it.

Can't understand why you have so much. You can't play it all :p It takes years.

Some people like myself buy games and they never get played... I aim to play every game I own, though I'm lucky to play a few days at least of any given title. :cool:

The guy with all those titles could have actually played them all, since he started in 2002... Though never completing a single one. :)

July 24th, 2009, 07:30
Wtf have been gaming on the PS2 for a couple of years now and just have over a hunred games...1200 is amazing, can fetch millions on e-bay if someone might want to buy :D

July 24th, 2009, 13:35
Wtf have been gaming on the PS2 for a couple of years now and just have over a hunred games...1200 is amazing, can fetch millions on e-bay if someone might want to buy :D

I wouldn't say it would go for a million, the most I would say is $20,000 (about $16-17 per title) if the whole collection were to be sold with the console and all the accessories... Sometimes on eBay, collections don't sell.