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View Full Version : busted datel hdd will microdrive be salvagable?

michael jackson
April 12th, 2006, 07:37
well recently i was helping a friend with his psp and i took my hdd off to see his memory stick and well it got stuck, i busted one of the pins that hold it onto the psp, no biggie but it was annoying as the hdd was unstable after

apparently when the stupid pin finally popped out the force yanked a few of the wires inside the flat cord on the stick adapter

long story short i have a 175 dollar 4gig hdd that i cant plug into my psp anymore

i saw that the neo stick adapter had "microdrive" as one of the options

i took my hdd apart because its useless as it is and i noticed that the microdrive looks like it can be removable honestly it looks like a compact flash card that has been soldered to wires on the chipboard...

does anyone know if its possible to take the microdrive and use it in one of the psp memeory card adapeters?

i saw a lguide talking about how you can put a larger microdrive in the datel 4gighdd but i dont know anything about physical properties of memory cards

does anyone know? please if you have one or the other HELP ME i wont have any money for a new stick for months if at all... this is my only stick i own.. im screwed
