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View Full Version : First Revolution game website is live

April 12th, 2006, 23:33
Following yesterday's official Red Steel announcement, Ubisoft has launched the game's (teaser) website. Visitors are given a choice: the gun or the sword? After a selection is made, the site will launch into a dumbed-down motion-controlled mini-game: move the weapon with the mouse and click on it to shoot or slash at predetermined points on the screen — we trust that the actual game will be a tad bit more sophisticated. After three clicks, the Red Steel logo will appear and a side note prompts for registration in order to receive "exclusive information" (read: spam alert).

Official Red Steel Site (http://www.redsteelgame.com/)

April 20th, 2006, 23:17
I didnt even bother signing up to get info I could probably get on other sites. Exclusve, doubtful.