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View Full Version : Konami quietly announces thier Summer and Fall game line ups.

April 14th, 2006, 00:54
Konami has quietly announced a few titles coming later this year to retailers today. Most of these are expected to make an appearance at E3, so stay tuned for more info.

- For our DDR fans you'll be satisfied this year for sure with 3 new DDR releases. The home release of the soon to be arcade hit DDR SUPERNOVA will arrive on the PS2 on 9/13/06, just a few days after my birthday. Following that will be DDR UNIVERSE for the XBOX 360 on 10/11/06 which will take DDR into next-gen. Finally DDR ULTRAMIX 4 for the XBOX on 11/14/06.

- For those of you who are fans of singing, Karaoke Revolution: American Idol will be hitting stores on 11/15/06 for the PS2.

- Bomberman Act Zero has a date for the XBOX 360 and PSP, 7/12/06.

- The Silent Hill remake for PSP has a name now and it's Silent Hill Original Sin. It will feature the original storyline with a few twists. Look for that coming 10/18/06

- The Nintendo DS will see another Castlevania sequel this fall with Castlevania: Portrait Of Ruin coming 11/15/06.

- Death Jr will have a sequel on both the PSP and NDS this fall as well. Death Jr. 2 will arrive on the PSP on 10/18/06, one week after Death Jr.: Science Fair Of Doom hits the NDS.

As is common in the game industry titles can move dates (and often do shuffle around a bit) but this will give you an idea on what to expect at E3 this year.
Source: orangeloungeradio.com (http://www.orangeloungeradio.com/phpnuke/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=557&mode=thread&order=0&thold=0)

April 14th, 2006, 13:01
SWEET! i cant wait for bomberman: Act Zero!!! same with death jr. 2 and stuff. my brother cant wait for castlevainia portrait of ruin for DS.