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View Full Version : Where’s Waldo? On The Nintendo DS

July 13th, 2009, 18:53
Apparently, Ubisoft is making a Where’s Waldo? game and it’s coming to the Nintendo DS. The ESRB rated Where’s Waldo? The Fantastic Journey, which uses the same title as a picture book.

Details about the game, courtesy of the ESRB description.

This is a puzzle game, based on the Where’s Waldo? series of children’s books, in which players search for Waldo in a series of elaborately complex images. Players must scan through pictures of fire-breathing creatures, magic carpet riders, knights in battle, red monks fighting blue monks, wizards, and (of course) vampires. In one scene, a group of soldiers is seen lying on the ground after battle, with “dizzy stars” swirling above their heads. In another image, several vampires hold mugs filled with “red liquid” (implied to be blood) while waiters bring them more of the red beverage.

Scanning pictures of fire-breathing creatures? Sounds like a classic Where’s Waldo book adapted for the Nintendo DS.


July 14th, 2009, 08:22
there is allready a homebrew version of wheres wally for ds, although it only has a few small pictures to search.