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View Full Version : psp, pc controller

April 15th, 2006, 03:47
is it possible to hook up the psp to your computer and use it as a controller for the computer or assign keystrokes to it and use it for a game? i must be possible.

April 15th, 2006, 04:28
I don't see why not but I haven't seen an App that does it yet.

April 15th, 2006, 05:55
The USB port only gives access to the MS only.

April 15th, 2006, 06:03
It has been done, if this is it:


It's not very explainatory, though. And it uses WiFi instead of USB, I think

April 16th, 2006, 23:37

April 20th, 2006, 04:17
hmm this looks interesting I hope to see this getting released one day. But I would rather have it hooked up via usb cable but thats just me. :)

Reason: Because I don't like to make my laptop exceptable to wireless connections.

July 27th, 2006, 00:42
If there's one PSP peripheral you really shouldn't be without. it's Action Replay MAX. It has everything you need to get the absolute most from your favourite PSP games. There's an Action Replay Memory Card. with an amazing 64Mb of storage space. a USB 2.0 cable to connect your PSP to your PC and a CD containing PC software which allows you to manage your saves. MP3s and movies. as well as download more materials from the CodeJunkies server (internet connection required).
Central R&D Labs., Inc. (http://www.toyota-wiki.com/wiki/Toyota_Central_R&D_Labs.,_Inc.)

July 27th, 2006, 00:46
Dude, Don't bump old posts please, and especially to endorse useless psp peripherals.

It looks like you just randomly pulled the discription from the Action Replay's official website.


July 27th, 2006, 01:43
ZOMG 64mb!!! i could put html tetris? WHOA!

64 mb is nothing and that package is $60 bucks while you can get a 2gb at amazon.com for 60 and pspvideo9 for free :P

July 27th, 2006, 01:48
its a program
DLD engine (http://www.ford-wiki.com/wiki/Ford_DLD_engine)

July 27th, 2006, 02:48
The USB port only gives access to the MS only.

Two Words:


It is a program for the psp and pc to comminicate with eachother. That is how irshell loads homebrew of your pc and lets you browse your hardrive. So infact you could use your psp as a pc controller.

If there's one PSP peripheral you really shouldn't be without. it's Action Replay MAX. It has everything you need to get the absolute most from your favourite PSP games. There's an Action Replay Memory Card. with an amazing 64Mb of storage space....

or you could just download the program from the action replay website for free and just use the memory card you have.

July 27th, 2006, 22:46
Racer_S from our forums has released a new application that works both on your PSP and PC. It allows you to use your PSP as a gamepad on your PC using your WiFi router. This is Racer_S's first PSP application, titled PSP Gamepad for PC, and judging by the comments in our forums, it works perfectly! It requires a bit of knowledge to get to work, especially if you know a bit about Lua coding or have previous experience working with Youresam's amazing Netlib. However, if you follow the instructions correctly, you should be fine.

The only slight hitch at the moment is that the Analog nub cannot be used. The video above shows Racer_S using the PSP gamepad on his PC. Here's how to install this nifty piece of homebrew:

1. Download and install Netlib 2.0.
2. Extract pspgamepad folder from this archive to PSPGAMEluaplayerApplications folder.
3. Edit PSPGAMEluaplayerApplicationspspgamepadindex.lua with notepad or similar program and change [pc_ip = " . .X.X"] to your target computer ip and save the file.
4. Start LUAPlayer on your PSP Game list and then select pspgamepad from the list and press circle.
5. Run the receiver.exe on the target computer.
6. After the socket is opened, press some buttons on the psp and you should see the activity light blink on the receiver program, if not the connection is not working.
7. Start a game and configure the keys as you normally would, play and enjoy!

The avid homebrewers amongst you may know that there have been applications in the past that do this, but this small VB6 application requires no installation; however you will need the VB6 runtime files.
iphone games (http://macgame.org)