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View Full Version : IWAD Question with WiiDoom (alternate subject: Hello again!)

July 15th, 2009, 00:25
Steve Corey posted this news:

Yes, I'm still alive and keeping an eye on the homebrew scene, more recently lately...

I got this question in my email and wanted to answer it publicly, since it's a very good question, and one I asked myself midway through WiiDoom:

"...i was under the impression that the same engine was used for the Hexen/Heretic games but when i try and add those wad files they dont even read. i was wondering if this would be a pain to ask for or if not, would you know someone who would be able to work in a compaitibility or new wii homebrew that would allow us to play these old games as well..."

Here's the thing about the Doom engine, as it relates to Doom,Hexen, and Heretic. This is going on memory, but it's still somewhat fresh in my brain LOL.

The Doom engine was somewhat tailored to the game it was packaged with (i.e. Doom, Heretic, Hexen) and the engine will look for the specific IWADs, as well as checking the IWAD once it opens them to look at the header. It *really* gets the version of Doom (I, II, Final, Ultimate) from the header, and turns on various features based on that. It seems that with each new game id software made, they enhanced the engine, adding better special FX.

It's very easy to add the checks for the other games (Hexen, Heretic), but then the various features that need to be enabled have to be added as well. I think it was Hexen that had some special things like the fog. The fog effect would have to be added, which would touch quite a number of files (probably the r_* files). ZDoom and a few other 3rd party engines had done this, so I know it's possible, it's just not a very easy thing to do. It is much easier (and cleaner) to port the individual engines over. I looked into porting hexen over, and was messing around with that before I basically ran out of time to work on homebrew. I'd REALLY love to do that again.

If anyone else has a question, let me know. I'm not saying that I'm resuming development (yet), but I am really considering it once another side project of mine is finished.


July 15th, 2009, 17:29
WONDERFUL! This is potentially great news!!!

As for ZDOOM, he may want to take a look at the GPX since a port of ZDOOM has been made for it, so I'd assume the source that to port may be of use to him.

Personally I'd much rather have ZDOOM than individual ports any day, though PrBOOM is most certianly a port I'd like to see more completed as it features some things that ZDOOM broke, such as MBF support and what have you.

July 15th, 2009, 21:53
I have to agreee with you Del, Zdoom defrfinitly brought my copy of Doom Collectors edition back to life with all the pretty goodies. I'm sure that Wii could EASILY handle all the Zdoom stuff. I'd also like to see Hexen/Heretic ported as well. Its funny to see what the Wii has to offer and only the homebrew scene seems to be trying to unlock it. When the Wii came out the first things I thought of were Doom, Hexen/Heretic, Duke nukem, Blood and all those types of games. Why? Because those are the games that back in the day you would say "I wish this would be maybe even one more step interactive." Too bad the Big N is only seeing green right now and missing out on all the opportunities they could be using......

July 16th, 2009, 04:56
Indeed, you'd think coders would be going crazy porting over the FPS' to a system that seems to have been made for it, especially now with the advent of the added sensitivity device and the wii fit board...

...speaking of which there is a Quake port that plans on supporting the Wii fit board...

...I'm eager to see what that would be like! :)

Oh and I think the author forgot to mention everything the ZDOOM port would bring to the table aside of awesome scripted MODs for DOOM.

You get support for:

DOOM and Ultimate DOOM
Chex Quest
Heretic and expansion pack

All with free look via mouse rather than that lame up arrow down arrow technique of the early 90's. In fact there are so many features to ZDOOM I just suggest that everyone visit the home page and have a look, or browse on youtube for some videos, I.E.


Ok, are you guys crapping your pants yet?

July 16th, 2009, 22:50
Yes..... XD