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View Full Version : Putting multiple homebrew games onto one disc?

April 15th, 2006, 23:53
Ok, i just downloaded a few homebrew games. They are about 15 mb each. So i was wondering if i could just put all of them onto one disc for the dreamcast. Thanks alot.

April 16th, 2006, 00:30
There's a tutorial for Selfboot Inducer, a program that allows you to do just that, over here (http://dchelp.net/index.php?id=sbindv4).

April 16th, 2006, 00:44
But the games i downloaded were cdis. is there anyway to make it work?

April 16th, 2006, 12:52
It sounds like the games you have are made as single CD images, you can put all of them on one CDR but you'll have to rip all the files from each image and recompile them, what are the games?, you might find they are available as premade SBI files over at Sbiffy!.

April 16th, 2006, 16:55
CDMage is a nice proggy to rip CDIs :)

With SiZiOUS' SBIBuilder you can create your own SBIs.

Also it's pretty easy to do them by hand: *.sbi files are identical to *.zip files. For editing the *.XML files use Notepad.

Fackue's BinChecker is a handy tool to unscramble the 1ST_READ.BINs (which contain the actual DC program). 1ST_READ.BINs are scrambled for selfbooting, for using them via DreamInducer ( = SBInducer's Dreamcast menu system) you'll need to unscramble them.