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View Full Version : The Dreamcast Scene Slashdotted Again :)

July 31st, 2004, 16:45
What a year for the Dreamcast scene, the coders who give us games, emulators and so much more tonight get some recognition from a mainstream site such as Slashdot (http://games.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=04/07/31/222230&tid=203) [br][br] The Sega Dreamcast console, which died an early commercial death, has recently seen some amazing new projects mainly aimed at emulation. Recently, a coder named Bluecrab released a port of the Saturn emulator called Yabause for the Dreamcast. Also, GPF (Troy Davis) has ported the excellent Visual Boy Advance (Game Boy Advance Emulator) to the Dreamcast. Finally, yesterday it was announced that Nincest (Nintendo 64 Emulator), an early N64 emulator that played demos only, has also been ported to the Dreamcast. All the projects are somewhat slow, but the achievement of the work is not to be discounted. Who says the Dreamcast is dead? [br][br]Great work and congrats to all the hardworking coders :)