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View Full Version : UK Police Raid Party After Seeing "All-Night" Tag On Facebook

July 18th, 2009, 12:10
Apparently the police like to spend their time trawling our private information on Facebook looking for criminals. 'Riot police stormed a man's 30th birthday barbecue for 15 guests because it was advertised as an "all-night" party on Facebook. Four police cars, a riot van, and a force helicopter were dispatched to a privately-owned field in a small village near Sowton, Devon in the UK on Saturday, ordering the party shut down or everyone would be arrested. The birthday barbecue was busted up before they even had a chance to plug the music in, reports the BBC. It was about 4pm when eight officers with camouflage pants and body armor jumped out of their vehicles and ordered everyone out about an hour into the party.' The event's organizer, Andrew Poole, said, 'The police had full-on camouflage trousers on and body-armour, it was ridiculous. There were also several plain-clothes officers as well ... they kept on insisting it has been advertised it as an all-night rave on the internet. The times on it were put as "overnight" in case people wanted to sleep-over, but after being explained this they were still banging on saying it was advertised on the internet. They wouldn't accept it wasn't a rave. It was in a completely isolated field.


July 18th, 2009, 15:18
Arrested, for this?


This country gets funnier all the time.

July 20th, 2009, 05:10
That's ridiculous, so they were humiliated including the birthday guy just because of a small misunderstanding?

Yeah, a relatively small group of people in the middle of a field is going to cause much of a commotion or problem.

Gravely over-exaggerated that law enforcement showed up in body armor with weapons, were they expecting to find Osama and the rest of the Taliban out there? :rolleyes: