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View Full Version : Ultrasn0w 0.9 Released

July 18th, 2009, 22:37
ultrasn0w version 0.9 is out! We believe it solves pretty much all of the various random issues that have been reported. Its features include:

* Works on both 3G and 3GS
* Works on hacktivated devices
* Works regardless of how you jailbroke your device
* Doesn’t patch any mach-o binary whatsoever. (Doesn’t require a separate patch as each new firmware comes out).
* Doesn’t install any additional daemon
* Has no race conditions, no popups about “Missing SIM”, no network issues
* Is almost 7000 times smaller than its nearest competition [Geohot fixed this in purplesn0w RC2]
* Is available now via Cydia. Source repo is ...
