View Full Version : PSP Video Titles...where are they?

April 19th, 2006, 12:32
Where are the PSP Video Titles stored?
ie. When you go into the Video menu of the PSP, where do the titles come from?

If the THM is just the thumbnail picture, and the MP4 is the actual video...is the title encoded to the MP4 in a similar form to ID3 tags (from MP3)
If the title is encoded onto the MP4 how can you access it in Windows?

April 19th, 2006, 12:43
I'm not particulary sure how to edit the title, I would assume that this probably has to be done before the videos are encoded into mpeg 4.

April 19th, 2006, 13:57
hmm...I dunno I kind of assume it would be similar in that it would all be there in ID3 tags. But after a bit of experimenting...it doesn't seem to be.

Anyone with any ideas?

April 19th, 2006, 14:31
I thoguht it was a second file that kept all the information.

April 20th, 2006, 02:12
Ok, I've posted around a couple of forums asking the same question, and a few people have mentioned that the file is in the THM.

I have confirmed that the THM is purely an image file it can be opened in Paint. The THM does not store any info about the Video title as I have copied an MP4 file to my PSP without it's THM file, yet it still has the file.

So with that confirmed, the focus is now on the MP4 file. What type of technology (eg. ID3) has the Title tags. I need to know how to access it.

EDIT: Rather than creating my own, I found the perfect app that can do it: http://www.sharewareguide.net/Audio-Multimedia/Video-Tools/psp-video-manager.html