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View Full Version : [RELEASE] Kitten Cannon - Ca$h Tournament

July 24th, 2009, 12:25

To see it all, go to the project release page on my new site:

To sum it up...

# Added a new Ca$h Tournament system where you can win real money just by scoring high!
# Added custom MP3 Playback, recursively scans the /MUSIC and /PSP/MUSIC folders. Included is a Default.mp3
# Switched to intraFont making text fonts much better
# Upgraded to the SVN version of OSlibmod
# Small tweaks regarding collision and physics
# Uses Sony utilities for a smooth and seamless interface
# Rotation of cannon barrel no longer resets after each launch
# A lot of small tweaks and fixes I hadn't caught all those years ago...

Cash Tournaments:
In short, enter into a tournament by paying a set amount via credit card, paypal or completing free offers (yup!) then play, play, play, and play some more trying to be rank #1 on the leaderboards - if you aren't no worries because 30% of all participants will be a winner and walk away with real cash either electronically or by check in the mail! Learn more at the project release page... It's new, it's innovative, and it's for real - win a jackpot of money just by launching this poor cat as far as you can!

July 28th, 2009, 20:12
Paint me SG57 Fanboy.

I just <3 to see homebrew that's a step ahead of what the official
lot are up to.
imo, online gaming for cash has a big future, and I'm not just
talking Texas hold'em - Age of Conan where rare items have $value,
Monster Hunter with real world bounty, Ridge Racer GP, or even the
PES Premiership. Obviously many security/cheat issues to overcome,
but the concept is too attractive to ignore.

June 17th, 2010, 10:39
i like this game!