View Full Version : DS vs DSi speed test

July 24th, 2009, 22:56
Some interesting homebrew news from the Drunkencoders: (http://drunkencoders.com/2009/07/dsi-news/)


Most of you have probably come across a few bits of information about DSi homebrew. I was finally able to poke about a bit my self thanks to some help from Wintermute at www.devkitPro.org and got some of my own code running.

Not too exciting but here is my first little demo using the same save game hack to exicute code on the DS and the DSi.

Its a simple “count to a million and change the screen color” demo to test how long it takes the two systems to exicute.

As you can see we are definitly in DSi mode and the DSi indeed is clocked at 2x the speed of the DS.

More to come

July 25th, 2009, 11:57
Wow! This is cool! Every day we get one step closer to DSiBrew! (That's at least what it feels like)

July 25th, 2009, 18:04
very nice. I wonder how long before that gets turned into a loader to launch homebrew from the SD slot...

July 25th, 2009, 20:47
very nice. I wonder how long before that gets turned into a loader to launch homebrew from the SD slot...

Turning the screen a certain color is kinda a long way away from loading homebrew (which I assume will have to be recompiled for the DSi anyway), though I agree that this is promising news.

July 26th, 2009, 02:35
Hey, it at least proves that we can indeed run unofficial applications on a DSi with... less obstruction.

July 27th, 2009, 03:43
Turning the screen a certain color is kinda a long way away from loading homebrew (which I assume will have to be recompiled for the DSi anyway), though I agree that this is promising news.

Considering that he was using the same exploit and (what looked like) the same homebrew on both of the systems, it seem that they can be run with a .ds extention

July 27th, 2009, 09:26
What I'm saying is that the DS programs we already have, that are already compiled, aren't going to suddenly be able to access the faster hardware until they're compiled with the DSi in mind. It's like how GBA programs could detect if they were running on a DS but couldn't do anything with the DS's extra hardware until they were ported over and recompiled.