View Full Version : Which Game Series Would You Reboot?

July 28th, 2009, 15:44
Franchise reboots are all the rage these days in Hollywood, and the trend is starting to creep into the games industry as well. The Guardian's games blog is running a story discussing a few examples and pondering likely candidates for future reboots. Quoting:
"If anything, the concept of the reboot makes more sense in the videogame sector than it does in movies. For a start, games are complex entities, with each new iteration in a familiar series adding many, many hours of fresh narrative content. Entering, say, the Zelda, Resident Evil, Half-Life, Dragon Quest or Metal Gear worlds at this stage must be massively intimidating — even if the developers go to great lengths to make each entry work as a singular, self-contained entity within the canon. Also, videogames are going through a paradigm shift in terms of popular appeal at the moment. The faithful audience of young males has been joined by new demographics brought in by the Wii, PC casual games, and now the iPhone. Many of these people may be vaguely aware of long-running game brands, but won't have a clue about the key characters, sign post events and basic gameplay mechanisms."

So, which series (or individual title) would you like to see rebooted?


July 28th, 2009, 19:31
Alex Kidd
Hard Drivin
Phantasy Star
S.T.U.N. Runner
Space Harrier
Wonder Boy

July 28th, 2009, 20:16
Legend of Dragoon
Legend of Legaia

July 28th, 2009, 20:42
Wing Commander

July 28th, 2009, 21:09

Make it 2D, have him run fast, and fight robotnik at the end of each world.

July 28th, 2009, 21:29
Take Streets of Rage 1,2 and 3.
Make em hi-def 2D.
Combine all 3 into 1 game package.
Allow the characters to "earn" special moves via an XP system.
Use fluid animations (read, more frames of animation)
Include ALL the playable characters from ALL the games.
Allow moves like parries, tech recoveries, blocking, special moves, super moves, launchers, combo counts, team up attacks, counters and all the things you usually find in a 1 on 1 fighter.
Add a simple button system akin to Mortal Kombat: Shaolin monks married with a bit of God of War.

That should do it.

Hey, take a look at the vast amount of Beats of Rage games out there and tell me that there's no market for it?!

Release it on PSN.
Thanks, that is all.

July 28th, 2009, 23:40
Phantasy Star, enough said.

July 29th, 2009, 01:25
Shenmue, i dont need to give a reason.

July 29th, 2009, 04:11

Two games I want to see reboot are Adventure and Atomic Robo kid. The first from Atari; the second from Genesis.

July 29th, 2009, 04:33
crystalis, from the nes (an snk rpg)
or maybe another einhander

July 29th, 2009, 04:36
Streets of Rage
Sonic Adventure (not the new crappy sonic games)
Duex Ex
Resident Evil (an actual survival horror game, not a TPS/Adventure game)

July 29th, 2009, 19:56
Wing Commander !!!
Privateer ( or Freelancer )
Nexus - The Jupiter Incident
Star Trek Starfleet Academy
Star Wars X-Wing / X-Wing Alliance

I also would love to see a WORTHY Battlestar Galactica Game.

July 30th, 2009, 01:21
quite simply - i wouldnt.

i know ill be flamed for this but what i write below is what i believe.

the future of games development is in the future not the past. devs are looking at the past for inspiration when they should be thinking of new and unique ideas - unfortunatly for us this costs more money as the game companies have to pay for a brainbox to think of something new then they have to invent new ways to achieve it. its far easier to use current tech to enhance an old game. (how many games use unreal engines? - my point exactly)

the gaming world will stagnate if were left rehashing games of yesteryear. dont get me wrong - i do love a lot of those games from the past but i have yet to see anything thats been remade that is actually far better than what went before it (with but a single exception i can think of off the top of my head - doom) - its as if something gets lost in the translation.

in short i think we should encourage new and unique ideas and encourage the homebrew comunities to share there ideas and perhaps even have the big companies hire these talents to make games that people actually want to pay a lot of money for, instead of forcing us to pay ridculous money for something that may in fact be, well how can i put this nicely, shite.

the wii is the first step towards the correct direction as it is encouraging different ways to play however its not perfect (wii games costs are disproportionate to the game dev costs). the tech is forcing devs to turn to the new ways but its not enough as some are still clinging to the old ways (better graphics - same old stale gameplay)

anyway thats the way i see it and sorry if it lowers the tone of the thread.

July 30th, 2009, 05:12

July 30th, 2009, 09:14
Knightmare & KnightmareII: maze gallious)
It could be a "zelda" for the other platforms, i always had the feeling Zelda borrowed some ideas from it. not sure if they did though. you can play an fan remake here:

July 30th, 2009, 22:23
Sonic for sure.

July 30th, 2009, 23:41
Wonder Boy.

July 31st, 2009, 04:17
It is very useful.

July 31st, 2009, 05:31
The Sonic series should have been begrudgingly drug out back and put down a long time ago.

Streets of Rage?

August 3rd, 2009, 05:03
Strider (I liked the NES version because of the way it was laid out)
Guardian Legend (LOZ style gameplay. WIth guns. And an arsenal of weapons. And top down shooting scenes.)
T&C2: Thrilla's Surfari (Gorillas + Skateboards + A quest = AWESOME)
Milon's Secret Castle (Fun game, dragons as main bosses, secrets abound :) )
Orb 3D (Short game, but the concept was intriguing)
Abuse (That game uses concepts from Alien movies and deserves a sequel)
Ninja 3 (Cute platformer, 'nuff said)
364 Sword (Is that the real name? Basically an NES game where you run through an area fighting enemies and navigating obstacles. With the added pressure of racing against a running dog. Comes with a mini game where you fight other swordsmen one on one)

August 17th, 2009, 20:09
Shenmue, i dont need to give a reason.

Yes you do because the question was which game series would you reboot wasn't it?
Why the hell would Shenmue need a reboot? A sequel yes reboot no.

My answer would be a proper Ninja gaiden side scroller.

August 17th, 2009, 20:59
Elite - because it was so far ahead of its time and none of the official sequels were really satisfactory.
I think it would make an excellent WiiWare title - keep the original gameplay, slap on some flash graphics and add few new missions, ships, etc.