January 1st, 1970, 01:00
Talfi from http://www.talfi.net/ has posted some very interesting info about the MadriDC event in Spain. Check out his site and the full info in this DCEmu UK thread (http://www.dcemu.co.uk/cgi-bin/yabb/YaBB.pl?board=news;action=display;num=1088296699). [br]http://www.unixmar.com/imagenes/misc/poster.gif [br][br]I've been yesterday in the MadriDC and now we can offer a lot of pics and videos taked in the event. [br][br]You can see interesting things about it and many videos with the actual compilated version (WIP) of Chankast running at 1280x1024 in fullscreen mode !!!!. Unai, member of the Chankast team, told us some secrets and future things to be included in their compilations. For example, the next version will bring us a [b]debug mode!!! and others very very very interesting things like a new window showing the VMU LCD[br][br]Muchas Gracias, Talfi!
[Modified 06/27/04 10:10:19 by DCEmu_Newsposter]
[Modified 06/27/04 10:10:19 by DCEmu_Newsposter]