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View Full Version : MegaMan: The Power War Episode 1 (OpenBOR)

July 28th, 2009, 22:42
NickyP (http://lavalit.com:8080/index.php/topic,3370.0.html) has posted a new beats of rage mod today, heres the release details:

MegaMan is one of my most favorite video game series ever (if not the most favorite), and my single most favorite video game character. I grew up playing those games, and as a grown man I still do. Needless to say, it was almost a pleasure making this mod.

My idea for this mod was inspired by the MegaMan: Power Battle/Fighters games for the arcade. I had always wished they were 3 or 4 players instead of 2, so the original plan was to just make a remake of Power Battle/Fighters and have 4 player support. However, my love for everything 8-bit kicked in, and that's when I decided I would instead remake all of the NES MegaMan games, with Power Battle/Fighters inspired gameplay. The result is, well, what you're about to play in a few minutes!


As I've stated above, this mod's gameplay style gets its inspiration from the MegaMan Power Battle/Fighters games. So, those who have played those games before will know exactly what to do.. to those who haven't: this is basically an arcade-style boss rush game.

Initially the game will appear to only be for two players. To add more, simply go to Options -> System Options to change the max amount of players!


This mod uses the attack1-4, special, and jump buttons.

A description of what each does:
Attack1 - Fires normal buster shot
Attack2 - Summon a helper (more on this soon)
Attack3 and Attack4 - Dodge (you can also dodge by pushing Forward twice and Attack1)
Special - For most characters, this will preform a charge shot.

Remember to set these controls in Options->Control Options->Setup Player #!

PSP users: Simply use the eboot I have provided in .rar. Place MPW1.pak into PSP/Game/MMPW/Paks
PC users: I hope you have a controller. If not, and you are forced to play this game with a keyboard, I sincerely apologize for all of the frustration you will soon endure.


There are 5 characters to choose from. Below is a list of them and a description:

The butler-turned-hero robot created by Dr. Light, who has saved the world on numerous occasions. His Special is a charge shot. His Helper is Rush.

Created by both Dr. Light and Dr. Wily, and is also MegaMan's older brother. His Special is a charge shot. His Helper is Beat.

MegaMan's rival, and created by Dr. Wily specifically to be just that. His Special is a charge shot. His Helper is Treble.

A mysterious robot from space that landed on Earth, he claims he's on a mission to destroy "evil energy" throughout the universe. His Special is a charge shot that does more damage that the other characters, but it has very limited range. His Helper is Eddie.

A mysterious young reploid that was in hibernation in an abandoned laboratory. After being awakened by a sudden attack, he acquired the legendary Biometal Model A. With Model A and his A-Trans ability, Gray is determined to unlock his hidden past and, ultimately, save the world. His Special is a homing missle that will make him jump backwards. His Helper is Tango.


Each of the characters are assigned a Helper that can be called on with Attack2. Below is a list and a description of them:

MegaMan's faithful dogbot. When called, Rush will become the Jet Adapter and attach to MegaMan. While in Jet MegaMan form, MegaMan's Special becomes the Super Arm, a weaker but quicker attack compared to the charge shot. Also, by pressing the Jump button again in the air, MegaMan will be able to preform a double-jump. And while Jet MegaMan form, he cannot be knocked down. MegaMan can revert to his normal form only after losing a life, so choose wisely!

MegaMan's birdbot, given to him by Dr. Cossack. When called, Beat will immediatley fly to the enemy and stay ontop of them, constantly causing damage. After a short period of time, Beat will disappear. Beat is also the ONLY Helper that can be called on in the air.

Bass' dogbot, and possibly Rush's rival. When called, Treble will immediatley fire a charge shot, and then disappear.

A cargo transport robot created by Dr. Light to send MegaMan supplies. When called, Eddie will throw a bomb forward, then disappear.

MegaMan's catbot, only seen in MegaMan 5 for the Gameboy and Rush's playmate. When called, Tango will cough up a razor blade hairball that has boomerang-like movement, and then disappear.

Keep in mind that calling a Helper will drain the MP bar (located under your Life bar). Different Helpers cost a different amount of MP to call, so use them wisely!

~OpenBOR Version~
Because this uses some script, I recommend you use version 3.2252 or higher. It should work fine on all later versions as well. PSP users just use the version I have provided in the .rar


-Is your game lagging a lot when you fire buster shots in the air? Then go to Options -> System Options and disable File Logging.
-Learn to know when to dodge. Dodging recklessly may make you crash right into an enemy attack!
-Just like in all the other MegaMan games, each boss has a particular pattern. Find that pattern, and think of a way to take advantage of it!
-Don't be too quick to switch to Jet MegaMan. While you gain more maneuverability, you also lose your charge shot, which has much more range than the Super Arm. Gauge the situation, and fight appropriatley!
-While you're charging up a charge shot, you can't move. So, plan them accordingly!
-Certain characters are just plain better to use against certain bosses. If you happen to lose all your lives and still have a continue, think about who you might want to use instead.
-Keep in mind that for each extra person playing the game, a boss's max amount of health increases. The more people you play with, the harder the game is!

Everything in the spoiler tab should explain everything. And yes, if you're wondering, I will be continuing this series (each episode representing a game in the MegaMan series).

Enjoy, everyone!

Download Here (http://www.mediafire.com/?mumdzzgvm5n)

July 29th, 2009, 07:11
Absolutely love it. Works great on slim/5m33-6

Please please please make it for 2 and 3 as well! (Im a sucker for NES :o)