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View Full Version : ZsnexBox v1.1

April 20th, 2006, 18:34
Nes6502 has released a new version of his port of the Zsnes the Super Nintendo emulator to Xbox:

Whats New:

The wrong frequency (44100) was being used for sound output. The correct frequency for the SNES is 32000. This is corrected. The result is MUCH more accurate sound. To hear the difference try Starfox and shoot the buildings with the new version. It makes the correct metalic ping sound. Then compare this to the same sound generated with the 1.0 version.

New features added:
1) Save States
2) Fast Forward

My TOP priority now is a resizable/movable screen. I will try to get a 1.2 release out with this feature in the next couple days.

More info --> http://forums.xbox-scene.com/index.php?showtopic=506924