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View Full Version : New 3rd GenesisPlusDC WIP Preview Release!

January 1st, 1970, 01:00
Another day and another release of this exciting Genesis Emulator, changes this time around include:[br][br] Changed to Stef D's C68K core (BlackAura)[br][br] Fixed a mistake in the menu code and added a few defines to simplify the possible future changes (Speud)[br][br]Thanks again to Metafox for making an SBI for us to play with. Check it out Here (http://www.consolevision.com/dreamcast/emus/genesis/)[br][br]

[Modified 06/25/04 01:47:07 by DCEmu_Newsposter]

June 25th, 2004, 00:54
But the question is... do you burn it now or wait to see if another version is released tommorow ;)

Fantastic work gents!

June 25th, 2004, 00:58
damn you guys are on a roll, aren't you , great news.

June 25th, 2004, 01:16
so do you prefer hazelnut or a stout breakfast blend? 'cause you gotta be drinking an ass load of coffee. or maybe just an iced orange pekoe

June 25th, 2004, 03:50
Don't expect another release for a little while. At least, not today. I'm trying to get the sound fixed once and for all, and I'm adding in automatic framerate controls, which is much more complex in this emulator than it was with the software rendered version.

I actually went to bed yesterday (I'd been going to bed at 3am for the previous couple of days), so I feel more-or-less ready to get going. I might have something ready Saturday evening (which should be the afternoon in Europe, and sometime in the morning if you're in the US)

June 25th, 2004, 04:10
oh and please release plainfiles too :-*

June 25th, 2004, 04:12
I haven't released anything yet.

You can grab the binaries out of the SBI if you want. Just rename it to .ZIP and open it with anything that can read ZIP files.

June 25th, 2004, 06:40
are those scramled if i do so ?

June 25th, 2004, 08:13
No, they're unscrambled. You need to scramble them yourself.

June 25th, 2004, 08:23
Or - you can use Selfboot Inducer's "SBI2Boot" feature, which will extract and scramble them for you.

Be careful, though, because I have seen a lot of reports saying that the SBI file currently available is not working properly (possibly because the bin file is still scrambled).

June 25th, 2004, 08:32
I figured out what's causing the problems with the new SBI. MetaFox broke one of the cardinal rules of SBI creation - he included a hyphen in the filename. All hyphens are converted to underscores when the disc is burnt, so the dxl file won't be able to find the file that it's referred to. I have fixed it and am uploading the new version right now.

June 25th, 2004, 14:07
I figured out what's causing the problems with the new SBI. MetaFox broke one of the cardinal rules of SBI creation - he included a hyphen in the filename. All hyphens are converted to underscores when the disc is burnt, so the dxl file won't be able to find the file that it's referred to. I have fixed it and am uploading the new version right now.Ack, so that's why it works with Bin2Boot. :-X

I hadn't tested it with DI.

June 26th, 2004, 00:59
Beautiful. I DLed the fixed ver this aftneoon.. should i just mess around with this, 'cause Ive got some like little "bug" notes, i don't know if i should post them here, or, if is should just wait a while and keep the notes until another release, then test, re note, and then maybe post the findings. Just trying to help, this thing cooks, by the way!!!!! cheers!

June 26th, 2004, 02:08
If it's about graphics glitches, don't bother with a bug report. I'm aware of the issues with the video emulation, and most of it is because of the way the video emulation is designed. I knew what kind of problems it would cause before I started programming it, and some of them will be fixed. Others might not be, because they'll just slow the emulator down too much, or them might not even be possible.

The main problems are:
No interlaced graphics mode (Sonic 2 multiplayer)
No 2-column scrolling mode (Rocket Knight Adventures, second stage)
No mid-frame palette changes (any Sonic game with underwater bits)
No per-line horizontal scrolling (stairstep effect)
No shadow/hilight effects (shadows appear white)
Sprite / background priorities are wrong

As far as I know, there's actually only one real bug in the video emulation, which is the corruption you get on sprites in some games. I know exactly what's causing that, but I don't know how to fix it yet.

I don't want to hear about sound skipping either. I'm working on fixing that now.

If it's a game actually crashing the emulator, I do want to hear about it. If a game does something really wrong (gameplay, not the graphics), or it's really slow without sound (like Zero Wing), or some of the timers / counters are screwed up, or there's something else really wrong with it, tell me.

June 26th, 2004, 02:52
you might want to start a new thread to accomidate the bug report list and make sure to put the above acknowledgements as rules (as if someone will actually read them before posting) -----just an idea