View Full Version : I am a noob Please help

April 24th, 2006, 10:57
i was wondering if some one could tell me or direct me to a link on how to create models for iris i really want to do something for this as i really like it i just don't know how

April 26th, 2006, 04:36
Good question...

April 26th, 2006, 04:54
Good question...
Nice contributing post....

Anyway, if you're loking for model help, Produkt of these forums can help you out, he is the "expert" here. Also, if you want to know how to map for Iris, there is a very good tutorial here: http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=22158

April 26th, 2006, 05:12
Yeah-- I know, sorry. It was mostly a *bump* post. I didn't know of any tutorials, but I wanted to get him(and me) some help.

April 26th, 2006, 10:55
i know how to make maps, change orićinal models into the correct format i just want to know how to create my own

April 26th, 2006, 11:24
for now if you want to make your own models for iris just use any tutorial designed to make models for Quake 2

a good tool that Myself and PSPDemon use is MilkShape 3D. It has the exporters for the MD2 model format which makes things so much easyer, its hard to find a good exporter for the newer modeling programs.

PSPDemon is more wise in the way of player conversion. He's also learning how to do proper low poly modeling.

Him and I are your best bets on Iris Modding questions.

April 26th, 2006, 13:40
Cheers Produkt

April 26th, 2006, 20:49
No problem, all I ask is you dont ask "How to model" :P we'll try and help you get it running in game though

April 27th, 2006, 13:57
i downloaded that program and it is kinda confusing but it should be good when i get used to it. i have been converting some of the other models that are available on line so expect some new skins for the invader and some other characters also expect homer simpson some south park characters and r2d2 and r5d4 for the star wars mod over the weeked.

PS i have downloaded some of the characters and the skins come in greyscale and was wondering if this matters when i convert them for IRIS. i have started my first map last night as well expect that soon it is a starwars map that i am working in i would also like to help with the halo mode if possible as i love that game.

Cap'n 1time
April 27th, 2006, 14:59
now your going to have to do some converting with 3rd party programs or even milkshape.. but the most basic and simple modeling program in the world is http://www.anim8or.com/main/index.html

... it isnt feature rich but it gets the basic job done.

April 27th, 2006, 17:17
good look 1 timeuser it even has a users manual not to shabby i downloaded it...i hope someone just MIRACULASLEY FINDS A SKIN OF HALO AND POST IT...even if they made it....be like yea i posted it....but i got it from a friend .....mail it to like 100 members that are willing....like my self to tell the same story! hehehe that way theres no way to find a source . all we have to do is make the model skin....go to a local LIBRARY TO POST IT!!!! and there no way to know just who did it..now who r u gonna sue bungi PROOF IS THE POINT...AND THERE WONT BE ANY...if you have a halo mod send it to me.....im not afraid to visit the library you should not be eather....lol....so go to the local library and post whatever you want.....then they cant trace the skin and everyone can download it untill they send another order...by then it will get around..and you will be able to mail each other for a copy!!!!

April 27th, 2006, 20:31
i wouldnt say that outright but iget your point

Cap'n 1time
April 27th, 2006, 20:46
actually.. its very easy to rip the halo 2 models and skins.. but i wont go into that.

April 27th, 2006, 21:07
Another good Free and open source 3D modeling program is Blender 3D I never got used to it, but if you have the time, its a more time efficient modeling pipeline

April 28th, 2006, 23:49
yeah i really must not know what im doing. i downloaded the Iris files, but inside the folders it doesnt have the maps or anything just the boots. can anyone give me a step by step process on how to fix this? thanks

April 29th, 2006, 01:02
Another good Free and open source 3D modeling program is Blender 3D I never got used to it, but if you have the time, its a more time efficient modeling pipeline

yeah....i have tried blender 3d but could never do anything in it so i sticked with milkshape due to its ease of use...

actually.. its very easy to rip the halo 2 models and skins.. but i wont go into that.

yes, that is true....but it takes lots of time....to much time to fool around with :P

now then....if anyone needs help on making a model's skin compatible or needs some help on modeling...PM me and ill try to help you as much as i can

Thanks for Everything,

May 19th, 2006, 01:42
I too am a noob. I have a wad file extracted from a ps2 game. I wanted to convert some of the textures to create a model/skin for vice city. I know, why not SA? VC runs better on my comp. Anyone know a program to open the wad file?

May 19th, 2006, 04:50
yeah....i have tried blender 3d but could never do anything in it so i sticked with milkshape due to its ease of use...

yes, that is true....but it takes lots of time....to much time to fool around with :P

now then....if anyone needs help on making a model's skin compatible or needs some help on modeling...PM me and ill try to help you as much as i can

Thanks for Everything,
I don't make Quake 2 models so I can't say anything anout that but I really like Blender, it's free and it has some good features.

May 19th, 2006, 14:33

Thinks of making footrot flats models

May 19th, 2006, 21:29
anyone know how to convert counter-strike .mdl file to an iris skin file?

May 19th, 2006, 22:45
Use Milkshape.