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View Full Version : Latest DSi Security Update Barely Breaks a Pirate's Stride

August 6th, 2009, 15:44

You thought that you had to choose between your homebrew and Facebook? Nope, the DSi already appears to have been cracked again.

While the latest DSi firmware 1.4 tempted users with social networking on Facebook, it also blocked infamous R4 cartridges, a popular way to load homebrew on the DS/DSi. But according to this clip, Nintendo's efforts were again futile, as pirates have already circumvented new security measures.

The moral of the story: The DSi, even with its aggressive PSP-style updates, has no more chance of preventing piracy than the DS.


August 6th, 2009, 16:54
Once again, nintendo have fail...

It's just a matter of days/weeks before every DSi flashcarts works again.

August 6th, 2009, 16:58
so is there a program i have to download or do i have to buy a new acekard 2i.

August 6th, 2009, 17:51
as ds games have to work on the old ds there is a massive limits to what Nintendo can do to block flash carts.

Firmware updates will be far more effective with dsi exclusive games. cant wait for acekard to get fixed... I've only just started to get into facebook this last month.

August 6th, 2009, 18:07
thank you pirates

August 6th, 2009, 19:37
So what do they mean about facebook when they say it? The DSi can go on facebook?

August 7th, 2009, 12:09
So what do they mean about facebook when they say it? The DSi can go on facebook?

the dsi can upload photos to facebook after the patch.. i believe that the new browser patch also gets the facebook site working as well as improving performance

August 9th, 2009, 15:02
http://z0r.de/?id=59 Do what you want cause a pirate is free! You are a pirate! Yarharhar Matey.
::hip thrusts in the RIAA,ESA,MPAA's general direction::

August 9th, 2009, 15:14
Bypassed by EZ team too:


Only difference, here you don't have to buy another one.

(users of the gold R4i will have to buy another one, release on august 10th).