View Full Version : F*ck.

April 26th, 2006, 00:28
2.70 is here.

Yay, Flash Player 6. Yay, AAC sound. Yay, audio save with RSS. Boo.............


Sony patched GTA. No more homebrew for 2.70 users until a new exploit. There, however, is no saying that it can't be done through a new feature or other game. As always, the TIFF exploit was patched again. Fanjita.org states the disappointing news that they are not working on any more exploits. This probably means the near end-of-the-line for more eLoader releases. So, in truth, Fanjita's April Fools' Joke maybe wasn't so untrue. It sort of does look like they have quit, based on their enthusiasm in the latest newspost. So update, if you will, but you will lose all emulators and homebrew.

Why doesn't Sony take the PSP users wants and turn them into something they could satisfy the public with while making big buck$? Isn't that what they do with everything else?

Please place this on the newspost (or at least a summary).

April 26th, 2006, 00:46
Seriously what's sony's problem with user mode homebrew, there are no iso loaders and it would make a lot of people buy a psp.

April 26th, 2006, 10:22
Sony's 'problem' is purely business because they can't make any money off homebrew. Sony make money selling games not consoles.

April 26th, 2006, 21:16
Do you think they think that people will just play homebrew and not buy any real games?

April 26th, 2006, 22:19
dude... sony should allow homebrew, more peeps buy psp for the darn homebrew WHILE still playing latest umd, good for all, but nnnnnnnnooooo sony wants to WAIT till the homebrew trend is over and everyone update, gosh, this way everyone dislike sony and more ppl buy xbox, microsoft, nintendo, panasonic, and you name it, sony just placing a bet rite now, and sonys gonna loose lots for this.

April 26th, 2006, 22:21
Sony's 'problem' is purely business because they can't make any money off homebrew. Sony make money selling games not consoles.

I heard that the GTA sales skyrocketed when the eLoader for GTA was released. Sony had us going for a while just to eat up a few more sales and then slammed the patch on us.

I would rather have Sony take the most popular homebrew ideas and put them into an update. I would love to see a Sony emulator that ran Genesis/SNES roms, an app bar alongside the game one with paint, notepad, FILE MANAGER!!!, a stand-alone Flash player with key-mapping abilities, and a remote control. I'd pay $10 for it.

April 26th, 2006, 23:57
I would rather have Sony take the most popular homebrew ideas and put them into an update. I would love to see a Sony emulator that ran Genesis/SNES roms, an app bar alongside the game one with paint, notepad, FILE MANAGER!!!, a stand-alone Flash player with key-mapping abilities, and a remote control. I'd pay $10 for it.

I don't see Sony making an official emualator that runs nintendo games. I'm sure they'd be sued in an instance. The rules change when a corporation makes emulators.

Cap'n 1time
April 27th, 2006, 03:13
please dont post topics with titles like this ever again. some might feel offended.. not me, i just think it isnt a very discriptive title. if it were somthing like "f*ck sony for the 2.70 update that prevents us from having homebrew again... thanks alot ass heads" i wouldnt mind so much.

April 27th, 2006, 13:09
Do you think they think that people will just play homebrew and not buy any real games?
From a business point of view, why risk it or give the option?

April 27th, 2006, 16:05
first kaiser rules he made the hb guide you have all used thanx bro you r da man!!....second`id be willing to bet IF sony releases the ps1 emulator they WOULD do it at ps3 launch and ANOTHER PREDICTION that is when i beleave sony will offer us 3.0 firmeware update with ps1 emulation.....think about this.....fanjita is a CLEVER GUY,, more so than even a SMART ONE.( not to say hes not really smart because he is) and id bet the SMART side already COULD crack the firmware....but the CLEVER side says" ill wait till i find just 1 more EXPLOIT then i know 2 of them ....if i lay low untill 3.0 i still stand a chance of catching SCEA of guard..homebrew and still wifi to your ps3..do you honestly think we wont be able to find a loop/backdoor in the ps1 emulator? lol.....i bet we will 80% chance we have the "know how" already just using this knoledge at the right time.....and patients is key ....if a firmware run homebrew then we will keep trying to find a way to downgrade it.. when 2.5 was released, a few months later a 2.0 DOWNGRADER shows up!! on the scene at all the major sites!!! HISTORY REPEATS MY FRIENDS!!!

April 27th, 2006, 23:35
I'd agree with that. Just because an exploit isn't known at this time doesn't mean it doesn't exist. The problem with sony endorsing homebrew is the legality behind it. It's a multi-billion dollar corporation, they know that the more PSP sales there are the more UMD games will be sold (math wise 1,500,000x3=4,500,000<2,500,000x2=5,000,000). Those numbers are fairly accurate. There have been 1.5Mil PSP's sold since launch, with an average of 3 UMD games per owner. I'm sure if you add sanctioned homebrew that would drop to an avg of 2 UMD games per owner, but with a MUCH higher volume of PSP's sold. So mathematically it would be in Sony's better interest to allow homebrew. The problem comes with corporate endorsing. If Sony endorses homebrew with the full knowledge that it can be used to run Nintendo emulators then they are endorsing Nintendo emulators and the pirating of Nintendo games in ROM form (mathematically agian 5,000,000-2,000,000,000 lawsuit=no more PSP). And not everyone hates Sony, they build great systems, but only for their intended use. The fact that the PSP can run homebrew at all is actually quite surprising. As far as I can figure only the PSP and the XBOX have this amount of homebrew, and the XBOX is basically a Linux console running DX7. So don't be mad at Sony for wanting to maintain control of the product they spent billions in R&D on, focus that energy into figuring out better ways to circumvent their authority. I still say there's got to be a way to make an EBOOT file that will be read as legit. I don't know how to do it, and I don't think I'll be the one to figure it out, but I still believe it's possible. And all we need is for it to recognize as a legitimate EBOOT for v1.0, then it will run on all firmware and the only way to stop it would be to recall EVERY game released for v1.0 and hand out updated copies. That wouldn't be economically viable. At that point Sony would have no choice but to accept homebrew on the PSP.

That's my rant for this evening, I'll be here till thursday, send your requests with your waiter.

April 28th, 2006, 06:26
Sony's 'problem' is purely business because they can't make any money off homebrew. Sony make money selling games not consoles.

well if we were using this for homebrew and not umds and homebrew...

why would we be having this conversation... were still trying to buy umd games and are lingering on our homebrew... if we didnt we wouldnt say oh shit another update bye bye homebrew :(

April 28th, 2006, 15:51
well if we were using this for homebrew and not umds and homebrew...

why would we be having this conversation... were still trying to buy umd games and are lingering on our homebrew... if we didnt we wouldnt say oh shit another update bye bye homebrew :(
Try proving that to an executive. There may be only a small percentage that play homebrew and UMD games. What about the others that purely play for homebrew/emulators or the pirates? Can you draw me a chart that shows the percentage of each user base and prove it?

I think that if Sony did something similar to the Net Yarouze to the PSP, the whole situation would be different as it took off well with the home developers and produced a good scene.

John Vattic
April 29th, 2006, 16:26
I buy psp games all the time. Just not the 2.70 ones. heh heh.
and I still have my emus.

April 30th, 2006, 20:42
i love the new update and don't regret updateing at all