View Full Version : PSIX v1.10 Released

April 26th, 2006, 06:46
Fluff (http://psixonline.com/index.htm) has released a new version of the OS Shell for the PSP, heres whats new:

- Icon support refined.
- Audio no longer crackles on tabchange.
- Audio vizualisation completed and added.
- File manager working.
- New OSK implimented (Psikey) - buggy at the moment with long filenames.
- Image viewer improved and less prone to crashing, set as wallpaper and remove wallpaper fully functional.
- Refined GUI engine, for faster, smoother animations and transitions (public build specific).
- Filesize limitation of music changed to 7MB, unlimited size is still being worked on and is only available on BETA builds.
- OSK not functional until we work out the little bug, but you can still play with it.

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April 26th, 2006, 08:50
Great job would still love to see ISO streaming from pc via usb or adhoc if possible incorperated to save swapping mem cards with other games that would be sweet.

April 26th, 2006, 11:45
no. isos are the reason why sony is ending homebrew. so just, no.

April 26th, 2006, 12:04
I think Sony would release new Firmware anyway to be honest.. so who cares about ISOs or no ISOs anymore?

April 26th, 2006, 14:01
is that the final version of psix? is the project been terminated or something?

April 26th, 2006, 15:31
whatever gave you that idea?

April 26th, 2006, 15:37
I think Sony would release new Firmware anyway to be honest.. so who cares about ISOs or no ISOs anymore?

Well said. Sony will upgrade firmware continually no matter what. Not solely to discourage homebrew but they make sure that every new upgrade closes another exploit.

I never would have gotten into ISO's but since PSP games now try and FORCE you to upgrade, I am left with no choice but to rebuild the games into an ISO that will play on 1.5 firmware. Not all games can be played but a good many can and I get to keep my firmware at 1.50.

But anyway, back on topic, I do think ISO streaming would be a good feature.

April 26th, 2006, 16:31
no, Psix has not been terminated. Fluff said he's doing this for his dad who has passed away. He (Fluff; yes, it's a dude) said he was making Psix b/f his dad passed and his dad said it was a cool idea. So he wanted to complete it for his dad even tho he's gone. That's the ONLY reason Psix is still going on. I can't wait to try this new version, btw. The beta, that is. I am privvy to the good stuff. :D PSIX PRO!!!

April 26th, 2006, 16:37
//no, Psix has not been terminated.

just ask cause it was writen on the NAONEO.com website a week or two ago...


April 26th, 2006, 22:23
dude this program looks so awesome! but cant see picture or do anything at all yet? is it cuz i have a 2.0 psp? but anyways this program rocks, gonna be great in later versions,

ps. where does these icons go?? :confused:

April 28th, 2006, 15:52
not much improved upon for the newest release, but this prog does rock! I can't wait for the meat and potatoes to be added. it's gonna be sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeet!

April 30th, 2006, 11:09
ISOs are NOT the reason why sony is trying to get rid of homebrew. GTA exploit had no way to run an ISO yet they patched it at 2.7 firmware. The only reason why Sony is trying to stop homebrew is money. They want more of it. Personally I think all the games which have came to PSP so far have been crap. Only GOOD games I've seen recently were on PC and Xbox 360. One being F.E.A.R. and the other Oblivion.

PSP amazed me at first but what is a console without good games?

A friggin Gameboy Advance sold more games than PSP did. GAMEBOY ADVANCE! We are talking 2D here. People care for graphics yes, but if the game isn't going to be "fun to play" you could make it LIFE LIKE CRAP! It would still be crap.

The only reason why I bought 2 PSPs is because of homebrew. The day the homebrew scene ends (which will never happen, we are yet to see modchips) PSP will loose its quality.

Sony is approaching the entire thing the wrong way, again. At least they compete with Microsoft, ya know somebody has to, otherwise Xbox 360 would be just another Xbox with I dunno, attached candy dispenser or something. But since that RumblePack shit Sony spent soo much money on to win instead of just paying a friggin settlement, their "greedy" attitude never changed.

Homebrew should be encouraged if you ask me. Shit that was the only reason WHY I bought mine as I just said. Combine Gameboy with NES, SNES, Gamegear, Neogeo CD, Quake, and a friggin SHOUTcast Radio :) now that's something to carry around.

May 16th, 2006, 22:21
When i put the file on for v1.5 it freezes WTF