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April 27th, 2006, 15:07
Here's a heads-up on my most recent release for the PSP. It's basically a clone of Brainwave Generator, all packaged up into a tiny little PSP eboot. It allows for user-made presets to be loaded and played through the earphones.


Download and extract PME_2704_2.rar (http://www.othala.co.uk/pme/PME_2704_2.rar) to your PSP/GAME directory.
Once it has been extracted simply run it from the game menu, or from Fanjitas loader(fully user mode, so it should work on 2.0+).
Once it has been loaded you will be presented with a menu, this is controlled with the DPAD and the X button. Hit X to start a preset, home is exit.

Enjoy! :)


edit: updated attachment

April 27th, 2006, 15:39
Psilocybeing, you have news post access, so you can post news yourself, no need to use submit news forum.
i moved it into news and fixed up your post (i.e. changed post icon to psp and uploaded attactment)


April 27th, 2006, 16:10
Nice, thanks! :)

I've updated the attachment, the previous one only uses 8/16 channels.

April 27th, 2006, 16:22
What do you smoke with this?

April 27th, 2006, 16:36
You don't have to ;), some people actually find smoking to inhibit their ability to meditate.

April 27th, 2006, 16:40

Why don't you tell us about it, for those of us who don't know what Brainwave Generator is?

April 27th, 2006, 16:44
Here's a bit of a more indepth description :)

Just a nifty little application I made earlier today I thought I would release. It's based on the program called Brain Wave Generator, that uses binaural beats to influence the state our mind is in. Our brains tick over at different levels during different states of mind, such as being in REM sleep, or working a hard day at the office. Using binaural beats(which is basically applying a slightly different tone to each ear, the difference of which is the waves you wish to induce in your brain, more on this lower down) this program will load an editable preset via a menu, and then play out the preset via the PSPs headphones.

Here's a little more on the different brainwaves, and what kind of states they appear in.
Delta 0.5Hz - 4Hz Deep sleep
Theta 4Hz - 8Hz Drowsiness (also first stage of sleep)
Alpha 8Hz - 14Hz Relaxed but alert
Beta 14Hz - 30Hz Highly alert and focused

You MUST use headphones for this to be effective, as otherwise the sound will just mix up and the difference by the time they get to your ears will be negligible.

You might think this kind of stuff works, you might not. I just thought I would get to grips with the PSPs audio functions by making a mock-up of BWG :).

April 27th, 2006, 16:58
lol ill give you a hint of what to smoke with it.....todays canada.....is yeasterdays mexico....420....lol cool app man

April 27th, 2006, 17:46
I used to have a tape of brainwave frequency sounds and it was the best shit ever. I'm extremely happy that you made this so big ups! :D

April 27th, 2006, 17:59
Glad you like it :). Here's the format of the preset files:

The format for the PME preset files is as follows:

Deep mind
V300.0 14.1
V100.0 1.6
V50.0 0.7
V50.0 0.4
V0 0
V0 0
V0 0
V0 0
T0 40 120 300.0 10
T0 240 360 300 7.8
T0 690 760 300 5.5
T0 880 960 300 4.0
T0 1360 1800 300 3.5

The first line is a simple description of the preset. The next 8 lines are initialising the voices with a set base frequency and binaural counterpart. If you want a voice to be silent, simply provide 0 for both. The last 5 lines in this preset setup the timing for the first voice(V0). The format for the timing function is as follows(T<voice#0-7> <start time(secs)> <end time(secs)> <base frequency to shift to> <binaural frequency to shift to>). As you can see this preset slowly lowers the main voices binaural beat from 14.1hz down to 3.5hz over a period of 30m, while keeping the base frequency at a steady 300hz. You can use however many timers you want :)

April 27th, 2006, 18:44
I had a program called BWG for PC a while ago but, I couldn't quite understand how to have it do what I wanted. :(

So I have a few questions:
1. Is this used to make preset sounds that are suposed to influence my brain Subliminally?

2. If so... does that mean I could quit bad habits, learn new languages, and/or just relax (to consintrate better).

3. If 1 & 2 are true. How can I make make or get certain pre-sets.

Please help. :confused:

April 27th, 2006, 19:01
Yes to both of them, check out http://geocities.com/rhinofoob/brain.html for a list of frequencies that people have found useful. I've got to head off to work soon, but when I get back I'll see if I can whip up a preset for you :)

Cap'n 1time
April 27th, 2006, 21:36
whats to tone that makes people poop?

April 27th, 2006, 21:44
Great stuff.... checked out the Brain Wave site; any way to convert those BWG files to be compatible with the PSP "port"? Found a couple files that sound really interesting.

April 27th, 2006, 21:51
whats to tone that makes people poop?

That's the brown note, it's supposed to be between 5-7hz but it's never been proven to actually exist. I tried to generate it a while back for fun but was unsuccessful.

I did however record and put on my psp 2 16,000hz signals and let it play while sitting in my pocket in french class. 10 minutes in everyone had they're head down on their desk with their hands over their ears yelling about the "strange piercing noise"

April 27th, 2006, 22:19
Great stuff.... checked out the Brain Wave site; any way to convert those BWG files to be compatible with the PSP "port"? Found a couple files that sound really interesting.

Currently the only way to convert them is to go through the settings manually, noting down changes in tone/basetone and writing them down in a PME file :(. If you want a specific one written up I could do it for you.

April 27th, 2006, 22:44
hey Psilocybeing. can u make one that reduces sleeping need?

April 27th, 2006, 22:46
"Hypnagogic Hologram" under the Subliminal/Hypnosis section sounds pretty interesting. Could you explain how to copy these values though?

EDIT: I tried importing presets through the BrainWave Generator but it won't allow you to do this through the shareware version. Any way to "convert" presets without use of the software?

April 27th, 2006, 23:16
Great stuff.... checked out the Brain Wave site; any way to convert those BWG files to be compatible with the PSP "port"? Found a couple files that sound really interesting.

I wonder if someone could create a program that reads the file and then writes the needed one for the PSP

April 27th, 2006, 23:38
Here is a little guide, showing how the Deep Mind preset was converted across.


Take a look at that image, upon opening BWG select the preset you want to change across, then click the button to the left of the list(preset options). Section A in the jpeg will appear. At position A2 is the list of 'voices' in the preset. The first one in the list should be selected, click on the sound tab at position A1 and the sound screen in B will appear. Here is where we will get our values for the preset file.

The first value we need is the begining frequency at position B4. Click on the small box that is circled and then note down the number that will appear just above the second graph under 'audible pitch'. The text you should see is 300hz, 0.0min. Now to finish our first binaural beat. Click on the first small box at location B3, you should see the text '14.1hz, 0.0min'. We can now setup our first voice.

Open notepad, and type in a name for the preset. For this example it will be 'Deep Mind'. Next we setup our first voice, by using the following preset parameter:

V(frequency) (binaural offset)

In the first field we put our base frequency(300), and in the second we put our binaural beat(14.1). These two frequencies are used to create a binaural beat by providing one frequency to one ear(300hz) and the binaural beat to the other(314.1hz). That's it, our first voice has been created! This is what you should have:

V300 14.1

Now on to the timers. In the graph at position B3 you will see that the boxes gradually change as the pitch is changed over time. If you click on the box at B3 you should see the text '14.1hz, 0.67min'. This is where the first change starts, note down the two numbers. Now click on the next box a little further along the graph. You should see the text '10hz, 2.0min' appear. We now have enough to add our first timer.

First of all we need to work out how long in seconds the first timer is using a bit of simple math(60/100*67) which comes to just over 40 seconds. Now for the second timer, (2*60) which comes to 120 seconds. Now to setup the timer with the following preference:

T(voice #0-7) (begin time(secs)) (end time(secs)) (base hz target) (binaural hz target)

Entering the numbers gathered you should have the following:

T0 40 120 300.0 10

You now need to go through the rest of the boxes, and follow the methods above until you've gone through them all. You also need to repeat this for all of the voices in the first screen. Thankfully the deep mind preset only uses 5 timers in total.

Here is the file you should have in the end after following these instructions through for the entire preset:

Deep mind
V300.0 14.1
V100.0 1.6
V50.0 0.7
V50.0 0.4
V0 0
V0 0
V0 0
V0 0
T0 40 120 300.0 10
T0 240 360 300 7.8
T0 690 760 300 5.5
T0 880 960 300 4.0
T0 1360 1800 300 3.5

Note that we have 4 voices setup, and then 4 with 0 as the frequency. We have a total of 8 voices(16 channels) available to us, but if we don't use them all then just set the frequencies to 0 to disable the channel.

I hope this 'small' guide is of help to you, if you're unsure about anything mentioned in it feel free to ask me either on here, or on the forums :)

Download Brainwave Gen from http://www.bwgen.com, and grab the preset Deep Mind at http://www.bwgen.com/presets/desc577.htm

Those are the two files you need to use this guide :)

April 27th, 2006, 23:44
BWG won't allow me to open presets in the shareware version. Any other alternative?

Cap'n 1time
April 28th, 2006, 00:18
ugh.. that freedom flight made me kind of sick at my stomache after about 5 min... who know sound could have such an effect on your body?

April 28th, 2006, 03:16
I know its been mentioned.
But seriously. light up some smoke and try this program. :p:p:p

April 28th, 2006, 04:52

i love it

April 28th, 2006, 07:05
this is really cool Ive been playing with different stuff all night long I messed with some of the freq and the opeit ones made me felt like I ate a perc and then I fell asleep for a little. Haveing trouble with make the presets though I dont really get the timer part like why does it need to lines for example

I want the "beat" to be at 2.3-2.5 hrz and change very slowly back and forth say like a cycle every 5 mins

V100 2.5
V0 0
V0 0
V0 0
V0 0
V0 0
V0 0
V0 0
T0 ? ? ? ?
T0 ? ? ? ?

Im going to keep playing with it Im sure Ill figure it out but could use a hint
thanks good

April 28th, 2006, 07:19
Your hint:p

Theres even instructions at the bottom:cool:

April 28th, 2006, 07:47
i smoke dutches (honey)

April 29th, 2006, 04:08
Yo, Psilocybeing, if you don't mind I'd like to take you up on your conversion offer. I'm looking at one called "Deep Self Hypnosis 1" and I'm a little confused about the whole conversion thing. If you could help me out, I'd really appreciate it.

April 29th, 2006, 13:17
Looking at that preset it doesn't seem to use sine waves, but triangular waves. Currently PME only uses sine waves but I'll try to add the ability to choose between the two in a future release :)

April 30th, 2006, 10:44
Weed makes you lazy.

April 30th, 2006, 11:38
Weed does make one lazy,
*lights his joint.
you know theres nothing I cant stand worse then a damned pothead :mad:
*takes a hit
It it wasnt for those damned hippies the world woudl be a better place
*passes it to the left

Damn potheads, You tell em bro, set them all stright :p

May 1st, 2006, 17:05
*UPDATE 01/05*

Here's the latest update for PME. It contains quite a few corrections and additions regarding the loading and generation of beats. One limitation that is imposed however is that you can't throw in amazingly high frequencies(1000 seems to work, sometimes). I'm not sure why this is, but it shouldn't affect most presets(bar the sinus one, sorry!).

A few changes with the preset file format:
This example will produce two voices, one being 100hz with a 3hz beat(100% volume), and the other being a channel of white noise(50% volume). The frequency of the beat for the first voice added is inreased over 60s to 12 hz.

The format of the V preference is now as follows: V(base frequency) (beat frequency) (beat type 0=empty 1=beat 2=white noise) (volume 0-8000)

Notice that we add the channel of white noise on the next available channel, all on its own. Due to the random nature of white noise mixing it with a beat will leave the beat undectectable. I'm looking into a more efficient way of mixing, but for now this is one restraint that can't be avoided(if we want to keep all 8 voices/6 voices 1 white noise).

Another addition is the L preference, which determines the length of the sample, and if it should loop or not: L(length) (loop 0=false 1=true)

And here is the example preset:

This is the test preset, you can put your description here! It will last 60 seconds, and will NOT loop(L60 0)
L60 0
V200 10 1 8000
V0 0 0 8000
V0 0 0 2000
V0 0 2 2000
T0 0 60 100 12


There may be a few flaws around, but it should work perfectly with all of the presets provided with this bundle. If you find an error could you please report it here .


*toke* *pass* :D

May 2nd, 2006, 01:01
Glad to see you're updating this. I'm checking it out now I'll get back to you some time tomorrow on my feedback :cool:

May 2nd, 2006, 02:02
Cool app happy to see something like this appear. Maybe we can use something like this and an amp for portable resonance experiments as in standing waves and the like

May 2nd, 2006, 16:42
Excellent work man!!!

I've been using .mp3's I've created using BWGEN on my PSP, I never thought it would be possible to create such a program for the psp!

May 2nd, 2006, 23:37

May 3rd, 2006, 14:03
do you think we could have a thread or web space for people to post pre-sets..either converted or fresh.

ive got to tell you ive never used this or anything like it but i gotta admit its amazing..its all my psp has been used for last few days lol. freedom flight actualy made me feel sick lol. amazing how sound can effect the body.

i'd love a few more oobe presets just to try. or if someone is willing to attempt a converter to transfer all the presets over from bwg site..theres hundreds on there :-)

May 3rd, 2006, 14:48
Psilocybeing this look bloody amazing. Any chance of making the Depression and Alcohol addiction one pfrom the geocities link please?

This might just be the ticket for helping me out.

Oh and chuck in a Euphoria as well if you don't mind.

Thank you ever so much!

May 3rd, 2006, 15:15
lol ace i think its going to take more than a psp if your an alcoholic depressive :-s

May 4th, 2006, 19:15
hi !

you prg is great (but oobe works? )
i have some suggestions for this and other programs

for PME :
you can add a windows converter that convert presets in the site of geocities to psp format

also a editor for windows to edit easily presets

color in a different manner (ie green) the preset that is currently playng...

now suggestions for other program :

1) with little modifications you can obtain a blue box
, red box and other coloured box emulator ( blue box and ohter are devices that permits to make free call and other things with phones (still working in some countries)

2) a program that permit to design the transfer function of the ear
es : for each ear separately psp plays a certain frequency at low volume and ask "can you hear any sound?
if the user cant psp increase volume a little and re ask...
this for many udible frequencies...
this permits to design the transfer function of the ear...and discover eventually malfunctions



May 9th, 2006, 19:12
Really great work!!! keep on!!!

May 9th, 2006, 20:31
By the way, a handbook of what function does each button would be great

Thanks again ;)

May 30th, 2006, 11:10
Psilo AWESOME work man keep it up! Have not run the app yet but am familiar with all the concepts. This is TRULY some great work tho, one of the freshest apps I've seen to come out. Some way to tackle all the presets needs to come along now. Thanks Psilo! Time to go check it out.

June 17th, 2006, 16:20
Is there no new version? has anybody new presets?

Thanks ;)

June 22nd, 2006, 01:15
this thing pretty cool i meditate alot and it helps me so thanks now i can focus to run up walls and stuff (well i m trying)

June 27th, 2006, 22:01
that shit dont work on on psp version 2.71

July 15th, 2006, 20:03
that shit dont work on on psp version 2.71

most homebrew wont work on 2.71

ps: props on this i love it :D

October 6th, 2006, 16:21
Hey DCEmu, it's been a while! I just thought I would drop a line in, to update you on the latest developments for PME.

Audio mixing has been perfected, allowing for a large ammount of simultanious 'voices'. MP3 playback has also been added, aswell as a more in-depth GUI, which displays the sine waves behind the sounds, as shown below.

I hope to have a version in public testing within the next few days, I just have to re-encorporate my timing code with the current base, as PME has pretty much been coded from the ground up a few times now.


Oh, and pspuser8004, the reason it wasn't working on any firmware that can't use Kernel mode apps or extensions is due to me using the VFPU in some earlier versions, I now don't use it though, so this new version coming up should be compatible on any PSP that can run homebrew :)

that shit dont work on on psp version 2.71

October 6th, 2006, 16:28
Cool! :) This is one of those far out apps that shows the diversity of homebrew :p (no shooter/RPG here! ;) )

October 16th, 2006, 19:18
What about that new version? i cant wait anymore!!!!!!!!!!

October 16th, 2006, 19:29
Wow, this I gotta try

August 3rd, 2010, 14:09
Thanks for sharing this man. i will definitely gonna download this and follow the instructions. i love meditation and this will help in many ways.


binaural beats mp3 (http://www.meditation-power.com)