View Full Version : Traveller RPG demo

April 28th, 2006, 00:28
Psilocybeing (http://www.othala.co.uk/travellerBlog/) has released a demo of his RPG for the PSP, heres some info:

Here's a look at the linking of origin/destination of particle streams with entity entries. You can check out the demo eboot aswell if you want. The speed will drop due to there being many particles alive, but in the actual game there should never be anywhere near as many particles being managed as are currently in this tech demo.

As you can see from the screenshot below, particles that have linked origin AND destination pointers will use those two locations and calculate the heading and lifetime required to get to that point at a random speed between a min/max range.

Check out the download and screenshot Via Comments

April 28th, 2006, 06:12

April 28th, 2006, 15:32
I dunno. This looks really weird. Cool idea, but how do you play? I think I might give it a shot when the actual comes out. (not the demo)

May 18th, 2006, 01:58
any updates for this out yet?

May 18th, 2006, 20:45
same here pkdragon

July 4th, 2006, 04:39
Entites? Are we in DMT hyperspace psilo? :)

Infernal Demon
July 21st, 2006, 10:36

I'm looking for some PSP-demos. I've found only 2: Loco Roco and Kazuo.

If somebody knows where I can get the demos, please help me.

Thanks!!! :D

My e-Mail:

[email protected]

July 21st, 2006, 12:03
UMHHHHH I don't get the concept.

February 25th, 2007, 12:26
Entites? Are we in DMT hyperspace psilo? :)

Haha, I just had to reply to this comment! :)

Hey DCEMU, it's certainly been a while! I've started work on another version of Traveller, this time in OpenGL, and here's the progress I've made in the last two days.

02-23-2007, 09:37 AM

Well, it's been quite a while since I've updated you guys on Traveller due to real life(yes, REAL LIFE!?!) stuff, i.e. new job! Traveller is still in the works, but has been neglected quite a bit in the past months. A couple of days ago I picked up my old OpenGL code and started playing and have now got the basis of a 2D engine running in a 3D environment. This not only allows me to use funky lighting/masking effects in Traveller but lets me take advantage of matrix transformations for rotation, scaling, etc.

Once I have got a new physics/particle/res engine setup I will post a new tech demo to show the improvment over the releatively simple system that the old Traveller engine ran on :)

02-24-2007, 16:27 PM

I have remade the resource holders allowing for dynamic loading of textures and masks into an easily accessable class. Entitiys(when they are re-coded) to have the associated texture holders, all modular and tidy...well, as tidy as my style allows

The particle engine should be alot more impressive in this new version, as I can use the transformations to recreate not only spread, gravity etc as in the old version but also spin/rotation along with using blending for transparent textures/explosions/etc.

I have also implemented a basic physics/entity engine which is chugging along nicely. As always I'll keep you guys posted :)


February 25th, 2007, 14:27
infernen theres about 20 demos. try psp-vault.com and then u can get the most recent ones at pspfanboy.com