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View Full Version : PSPTris ver. 0.5 for PSP

April 29th, 2006, 13:14

PSPTris version 0.5 has been released. This is a stand alone Tetris clone for the PSP. The plan is to have it running as a plugin for PSPRadio. But it will also be released as a stand alone version, for those having 2.x firmware, which can't use the dynamic version of PSPRadio.

This version has all the basic gameplay in place. It still needs a bit polishing, but I wanted to release this preview to get some feedback.

Br, Sandberg.

Download & Screenshots and Give Feedback Via Comments

April 29th, 2006, 14:47
Thanks for the awesome news and release, you are a PSP Coder now and so can post directly to the PSP News forum ;)

April 29th, 2006, 14:59
Funny game ! I like the intro, it's amazing ! :)

April 29th, 2006, 22:58
Good job.

P.S. Anyone else notice how popular Danzeff is becoming? It seems like all the new homebrews are using it :).

April 29th, 2006, 23:05
Good job.

P.S. Anyone else notice how popular Danzeff is becoming? It seems like all the new homebrews are using it :).

It's so much easier to use Danzeff than the Sony OSK, and it's also much faster to type in Danzeff :)

April 30th, 2006, 03:02
This is so great - i've played it the whole day :D made drain my psp batterie two times :D

-Maybe you can smoothen up the block movement a bit for the next release, its all a bitt stuttering. also the rotation of the blocks feels strange.

-And add more background Tunes :) Hearing that tetris song for about 8h today made me crazy :) dunno what mod routine you used and if it supports .xm aswell but there are alot chiptunes out there without big filesizes like: http://www.chiptune.com/files/xm/traven-tetris_gb_ingame.zip

-How about an Option for rotating the screen 90° you could move the blocks easy with the dpad and you have a larger screen for the blocks

-sometimes i have the feeling that the blocks are moving too slow from left to right ... or the playfield wide is to large.. dunno

Dont get this as critics, i just wanted to share some improvements that popped in my mind while playing. Keep up that great work and i am realy looking forward to see a new release soon.. not a one time shot that we seen way to often in psp homebrew scene :(

April 30th, 2006, 11:14
-Maybe you can smoothen up the block movement a bit for the next release, its all a bitt stuttering. also the rotation of the blocks feels strange.
This has already been done. I've gotten a lot of comments about this :)

-And add more background Tunes :) Hearing that tetris song for about 8h today made me crazy :) dunno what mod routine you used and if it supports .xm aswell but there are alot chiptunes out there without big filesizes like: http://www.chiptune.com/files/xm/traven-tetris_gb_ingame.zip
The modplayer plays more or less every mod type available, so I will check the out. The only problem about it is credits etc. But I'll figure something out.

-How about an Option for rotating the screen 90° you could move the blocks easy with the dpad and you have a larger screen for the blocks
This has been added to my to-do list. A lot of people has asked about this.

Dont get this as critics, i just wanted to share some improvements that popped in my mind while playing. Keep up that great work and i am realy looking forward to see a new release soon.. not a one time shot that we seen way to often in psp homebrew scene :(
Yes, and thanks for the comments. It is comments like that, that will improve the game.

Cap'n 1time
April 30th, 2006, 22:37
heh. what with this and the links browser... it looks like pspradio could become its own shell! nice work! I couldnt help but notice "psp radio playground" below the pic on the left side.. care to share details of what that is?

April 30th, 2006, 23:52
heh. what with this and the links browser... it looks like pspradio could become its own shell! nice work! I couldnt help but notice "psp radio playground" below the pic on the left side.. care to share details of what that is?

I'm currently working on several games, which will be playable from PSPRadio. So that you can waste your time playing some games while listening to radiostations or your own music. Usefull when ever you have waiting time and is near a WiFi hotspot :)

May 1st, 2006, 00:59
I'm currently working on several games, which will be playable from PSPRadio. So that you can waste your time playing some games while listening to radiostations or your own music. Usefull when ever you have waiting time and is near a WiFi hotspot :)

Will you also release them as stand-alone games ? Although I love the progress PSPRadio has made, I don't use it because I don't have a wireless connection. I'm sure I'm not the only one. Just a thought. I've sent you a PM as well.

Cap'n 1time
May 1st, 2006, 01:01
I'm currently working on several games, which will be playable from PSPRadio. So that you can waste your time playing some games while listening to radiostations or your own music. Usefull when ever you have waiting time and is near a WiFi hotspot :)

care to share some more information on other games? :)

May 1st, 2006, 06:46
If you can add games to pspradio .. i will barf daisies !!! =)
please hurry !!

oh yeah, and thanks !!!!!

May 1st, 2006, 15:02
cant wait for news :)

May 1st, 2006, 16:12
@ F34R : Yes. All of them will be released as stand-alone versions also. The plugin system for PSPRadio only works on 1.5 FW. So the stand-alone versions will be released for all those using 2.x FW.

@ 1timeuser : Besides PSPTris, I have a more or less finished Suduko game, which I like my self :) .. Plus some other game titles (table soccer etc.), which still needs some coding. I'm open for suggestions for other games as well. Just no 1st person shooters :-) Those are soo boring ..

May 1st, 2006, 19:01
This release looks great! The screen does look a bit wide; I will still d/l it, but it will be perfect once you can rotate the PSP 90 degrees to play. Beautiful job though - this is the best Tetris clone I've seen to date. B4 this, Tetris.JP was teh one!

May 6th, 2006, 03:59
does the high score save?

May 26th, 2006, 13:33
I love this game!