May 25th, 2004, 04:46
After a conversation with burnerO this evening, he informed me that he plans on having a new Selfboot Inducer release ready by next Tuesday. Some of the features he mentioned that he will be including are:[br] Comments within the SBI files that will show up in the Selfboot Inducer GUI, explaining where to place roms and other important files.[br] An option to create a selfbooting disc image from a single SBI, similar to the way Selfboot creates disc images from plain files.[br] The newest stable version of CDRTools (formerly known as CDRecord) will be included in this release, increasing compatibility with more burners.[br]If you have other features in mind that you might like to see in the new version of Selfboot Inducer, a topic has been started in the DCEmulation forums (http://www.dcemulation.com/phpBB/viewtopic.php?t=50883).