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May 5th, 2006, 04:27
Looks great. Can't wait to play Starfox!

May 5th, 2006, 04:34
PSmonkey rules all!!!
hey $niper, do you know if monks emu is better than Daedlious (speed/frame rate wize)

May 5th, 2006, 04:35
I think daedelus just ported his to take a shot at Monkey :mad:

not at all. he did this port a while back but just recently desided to pick it back up. The author of daedelus is a really cool person and I have nothing but respect for him.

His continued work on his and my work on mine will only lead to a more perfect n64 emulator for psp.

May 5th, 2006, 04:43
OMG not this again....

May 5th, 2006, 04:47
Whats wrong, i know i am getting a little ahead of the game but this is something that needs to be done too.
We have went over this a bunch of times already.

May 5th, 2006, 04:47
Posted and talked about it already in another thread.

May 5th, 2006, 04:49
Posted and talked about it already in another thread.
In almost every thread actually.
Btw about the speed again, how is it?

May 5th, 2006, 05:05
Ya how is the speed coming aloung? BTW i removed my post and the controls idea was very similar to mine. lol

May 5th, 2006, 06:02
controlls will be delt with in a revision. i mean really the main focus now is to get out a decent build, not worrie about if the controlls work.

PS, i still feel my setup works wonders on most games (yes not all). I find it better then even daedelus setup.

May 5th, 2006, 06:04
regarding speed, it depends on the game. I really need to optimise memory use soon. should improve alot.

May 5th, 2006, 06:25
regarding speed, it depends on the game. I really need to optimise memory use soon. should improve alot.

So your Saying the Mario 64 intro got 21 FPS without a dynamic recompiler?? Dadalus's Emu got less than that speed WITH a dynamic recompiler , Things are lookin good for the FPS in M64...

May 5th, 2006, 06:34
those screenshots are great. keep up the good work.

btw $n!per u sad that habs are out or are u not a hockey fan. (i think u live in montreal.)

Yeaahh go canucks (even though they got 9th )
I live in Vancouver.. was cheering for the habs in the playoffs (since i was born in Montreal).

- o ya and sry for going off topic :S

May 5th, 2006, 06:41
actualy i made a mistake. Daedelus is also running on an interpreter. He has no writen a recompiler for psp. Its doing it via interpreter much like me.

May 5th, 2006, 06:45
So your Saying the Mario 64 intro got 21 FPS without a dynamic recompiler?? Dadalus's Emu got less than that speed WITH a dynamic recompiler , Things are lookin good for the FPS in M64...
no it gets about the same.

know dadelus has a dynamic recompiler, but i am pretty sure it is not being used at the moment becaue if you watch the boot process it says "dynamic recompiler: off".

edit: beat me to it Psmonkey

May 5th, 2006, 06:46

I'm really bad at this. Ok last batch and that is all.

Microcode Fast3D Ext now suported & waverace runs (really slowly 4-5fps atm).

:eek: :eek: :eek: :p

May 5th, 2006, 06:49
lol, for a second i thought that water was a katamari. XD

Keep up the good work monkey.

May 5th, 2006, 06:54
ok here is the low down. I have a few things that require being fixed, a few things that would be nice & a few things that are not needed but would help. My goal is to get as many done by sometime next week & release what I have sometime durring E3 (may 9th - may 12th).

Here is the list in order of importance
* Needed *
1) Fix Textures
2) Add Tlb suport (mario needs it)
3) Fix Rsp Microcode bugs
4) Fix flickering by adding double buffering

* Would be nice *
5) Speed up memory reads/writes
6) Add suport for F3DEX2 microcode

* Not really needed *
7) Add microcode detection or contoll by ini
8) Save suport

May 5th, 2006, 07:24
Screenshots look great dude, How long would it take to put in save support?

May 5th, 2006, 07:47
wow, psmonkey your emu is going on pretty good, keep up the great work! :)

May 5th, 2006, 10:23
I see unfair crisitism being labelled towards StrmnNrmn

I think 1 thing thats being missed here is that Daedalus psp is a port of his OWN windows emulator. So who would be better to port it than the author himself.
Example of this is the Neogeo CDZ emulator that was ported by the author of the original. One of the most complete emulators on the PSP.

Its sad to see comments that M64 is better when both are early betas/previews.

May 5th, 2006, 10:46
Its sad to see comments that M64 is better when both are early betas/previews.

I agree.

Seems there is the usual trolling going on. People need to accept that the 2 authors are talking to each other, which in the end is best for us 'users'.

And as per usual, people are getting suckered in to little flame wars.. Which is the easiest way to turn off guys who are doing good work creating these emu's. Grow up people.

Monkey and Strmn, keep up the good work. Hopefully $ony will realise what a great platform the PSP is for Homebrew and open that bad boy up.. When the compatibility/speed is up then great.. I can wait :-)

May 5th, 2006, 12:16
damn monkey, at the rate ur moving at, u might make ur n64 more powerful and more fun than the original n64, lol.

btw, id hate to do requests...but, for the controls do u have any ideas of a layout yet? or you werent really worrying about it yet? cuase i had an idea. maybe, allow us to config EACH button on the psp..except HOME and screen display.

if its possible, have a menu, where we could configure our own buttons, that way u wont have to worry about people complaining about the button layout. (also allowing us to press something to get back into the menu during game play, to make a quick button adjustment, then resume game)

cause for example...some games dont use L and R (like killer instictions)..thus we can put A and B at L and R and we can use the square circle x triangle for the c buttons.

its just a thught, cause i dont think its possible to have every button on the psp, unless u see something that i dont?

c button x4
analog stick

just incase people dont read the whole thing and start flaming about how we dont need buttons yet and that this stuff doesnt matter...take it easy, im just giving my idea before i forget for...."when and if its needed"

hehehehe..cant wait to clear legend of zelda and mario 64 all over again. i cant even play them on my original n64 anymore because mine was damage by a cousin, he spilt juice IN it by accident,:(. (via the cartridge slot and expansion bay)

good luck, and great work monkey.

May 5th, 2006, 12:58
You don't need the dpad. You could map the dpad to the analog stick and use the dpad for the c buttons.

P.S Enough talk about the controls please.

May 5th, 2006, 13:15
P.S Enough talk about the controls please.

I agree it seems every second person has an opinion on them , i'm sure PSmonkey can figure out something simple as controls..

May 5th, 2006, 14:02
I see unfair crisitism being labelled towards StrmnNrmn

I think 1 thing thats being missed here is that Daedalus psp is a port of his OWN windows emulator. So who would be better to port it than the author himself.
Example of this is the Neogeo CDZ emulator that was ported by the author of the original. One of the most complete emulators on the PSP.

Its sad to see comments that M64 is better when both are early betas/previews.

I fully agree with you but I think the issue is not because they dont like StrmnNrmn or think his work is not great. I just think it's because others have invested so much of their time into keeping up to date and informed that they feel the need to see it though till the end.

In the end tho it will all come out like pc emulators. Where both can run alot of games great but you use what you prefer or maybe you play a few special case games that work better on one over the other.

Either way. Its great for everybody since it will see n64 emulation pushed further.

I also agree with your statement that the best person to port an emulator is the author, he knows the system the best. This is why ports done by not the author tend to be rather poor or have a difficult time achiving reasonable framerate.

May 5th, 2006, 14:06
exactly... in the end... ill use both.... have roms for both depending how each plays them... and i'll be happy

May 5th, 2006, 14:16
Monkey it always surprise me to see how much time you sleep (like none). Get in bed between 1h00am and 4h00am, at work at 8h00-1h00pm. Hmmmm ;)

May 5th, 2006, 14:18
yay nice progress :D cant wit till nxt week now

May 5th, 2006, 14:58
yea that is how I see it too, some games will probably run better on the other vs the other one. In that case though it would be awsome to see you two join your emulators in a similar way to Surreal 64 on the xbox. I supose at the moment there is not much reason to do that yet. And it would probably be best to code the GUI for two main cores selected by the user, be great too if an ini file could explain the pros and cons for the game for each core.

Cap'n 1time
May 5th, 2006, 15:02

MWAHAHAHAHA! owned. :p

May 5th, 2006, 17:21
Very nice pics you have here Psmonkey


PSmonkey rules!!!

May 5th, 2006, 17:22
And its always good to have a little competion and in the end like you said both the emulaters will be good in there own way. Oh ya what about plugins these i know these will be emulated but just wondering witch one are you going to start with first?

May 5th, 2006, 21:33
You don't need the dpad. You could map the dpad to the analog stick and use the dpad for the c buttons.

P.S Enough talk about the controls please.

sorry about the controller stuff, i didnt think anyone talked about it..cause it seems kinda difficult to read through 100 new posts each day:) aw well, atleast now i know:)

May 5th, 2006, 22:03
Psmonkey, do u think that n64 emulation on 2.60 would be good without kernal acess? I really hope it is because i would love to play mario 64 on my psp at decent speed. Do u think sound will work also with good speed on 2.60? Keep up the great work!

May 6th, 2006, 00:28
He did say it will always be in user mode so probaly yes it will be as good.

May 6th, 2006, 01:05
yeah but then later he said he was planning on using the sound processing through kernal.

May 6th, 2006, 01:36
Wow-- R4 is out and I didn't even know it!


May 6th, 2006, 01:37
There will be two versions EVENTUALLY, only difference is the 1.00/1.500 version will be faster because he'll likely use the ME.

May 6th, 2006, 02:12
and i just happen to have 1.5 sweet. lol

May 6th, 2006, 02:55
Monkey, is the problem of the texture about UV coords, or coloring?
So it seems that xyz vertex and triangles its coming ok for almost games you are showing, thats good... cause you will only need to restore the texture, is that right?
correct me if im wrong.

May 6th, 2006, 03:15
R4 loads Zelda ....omg thats crazy.

monkey what fps are you getting on mario and the other games that are working

May 6th, 2006, 03:28
he is doing very good i think better than daedalus emu i think. it would make sence since his emu is made for the psp.

May 6th, 2006, 04:01
Too bad at the current time though Monkey's emu does not load roms past 16 mega bites. But thats ok I think right now your main focus is to get all the textures running. Then to focus on the dynamic recomplier for a huge speed boost. And probaly last I'm assuming you will probaly use the me in 1.5 firmware for sound?

May 6th, 2006, 04:03
Why take all of this as a "N64 Emulation on PSP War"??, both are great projects, and it will lead people to have the choice. everybody has a favorite one. I have a preference for Monkey64 'cuz I'm following PSMonkey's project for the begining (like many people right here). but it doesn't mean that one is great and the other is suck. thus they're both WIP. so stop acting in that childish way

May 6th, 2006, 05:38
I agree with you Timale-Kun.

pkmaximum: Thats because nothing as of such has been implemented yet, PSmonkey will get to it when everything else is working properly.

Im with Monkey64 because its exciting to see something just rise out of the ground like that and have been with PSmonkey since he started with the other emulator 'Nincest'.

May 6th, 2006, 06:02
Why take all of this as a "N64 Emulation on PSP War"??, both are great projects, and it will lead people to have the choice. everybody has a favorite one. I have a preference for Monkey64 'cuz I'm following PSMonkey's project for the begining (like many people right here). but it doesn't mean that one is great and the other is suck. thus they're both WIP. so stop acting in that childish way

i am not saying war. But competition that will bring us great N64 emu's and in the end will beneifit from each one. Maby in the future combine them and have the best N64 emu humanly possible.

May 6th, 2006, 07:43
the competition is already over unless psmonkey somehow creates a better emu than the already awesome deadulus. dont get me wrong, psmonkey is a great coder, but its a miracle if he gets as far as strmnmrn in the next months to come.
I still back monkey, but im rooting for Strmnmrn at the moment. Sorry if this ofends any of you.

May 6th, 2006, 08:10
I'm rooting for both PSmonkey and Strmnmrn! Daeduals may be a tad better than Monkey 64 at the moment, but once monkey gets textures worked out.......... WATCH OUT!!!!!!!!! In the end, we will have 2 awesome N64 emus for the PSP that both are in user mode, so unlucky people like me who bought a PSP late can play!!!!!!!

May 6th, 2006, 10:45
Im mainly rooting for PSmonkey but i give my support to Strmnmrn aswell.

They are both brilliant coders and deserve respect.

Secondly... im shocked at R4 of Daedleus.... allready...im gnna go update my psp.

May 6th, 2006, 11:26
Im shure that in the near future we will have the best of the 2 coders. Daedalus and Monkey64 on our PSPīs, so one will have better compatibility with some games and the other will be the same with other games.

May 6th, 2006, 12:21
wow this thread has grown quick!

May 6th, 2006, 12:45
Its Automobile Lambergini. Probably the only Good game to come out of Titus.

How can you forget Crazy Cars III on the Amiga? ;)

May 6th, 2006, 13:29
nice screensshots (:

keep it up (:

May 6th, 2006, 14:25
Thanks PSmonkey for your work!!!! ^_^

May 6th, 2006, 14:39

I'm really bad at this. Ok last batch and that is all.

Microcode Fast3D Ext now suported & waverace runs (really slowly 4-5fps atm).

:eek: :eek: :eek: :p

1) why is this the last batch

2)4-5fps isn't really slow compared to how roms are running at the moment

May 6th, 2006, 14:41
Monkey, is the problem of the texture about UV coords, or coloring?
So it seems that xyz vertex and triangles its coming ok for almost games you are showing, thats good... cause you will only need to restore the texture, is that right?
correct me if im wrong.

Its not UV. its an error in translating textures from n64 format to psp. Somewhere it screws us (on psp i use 32bit textures atm, so i have to convert all n64 stuff up to 32bit, later i'll just swap for 16bit since most n64 games use 16bit or less, only a few spots use 32bit).

May 6th, 2006, 14:47
Just a small note. I talked to daedelus author a few days ago about how he got large roms to work. It's pretty close to what I was wanting to do. So now that I see it works, i'll work on a revision build that will suport large roms after the next release.

A huge difference between daedelus and m64 is both of us base our gfx on different plugins. Eventualy this wont matter as I am looking into the idea of prx plugins to attract n64 plugin authors to the psp.

1) why is this the last batch

2)4-5fps isn't really slow compared to how roms are running at the moment

1) Because i need to stop wasting my time posting shots and get to coding. :p

2) Yeah but compaired to many f3dex games like quest64, its slow (as some can do 10-15). Once i rewrite memory this weekend I should see a huge boost.

May 6th, 2006, 14:55
How can you forget Crazy Cars III on the Amiga? ;)

Ermmmm, never played?!?!

Dont beat me!!!

actualy funny enough, i ran into the lead coder of automobile lambergini on irc. I was quite shocked that it was someone who i knew for quite a while (i think it was gba or n64 scene, cant remember).

May 6th, 2006, 14:59
hows progress?

May 6th, 2006, 15:30
1) Because i need to stop wasting my time posting shots and get to coding. :p

good point

May 6th, 2006, 18:35
Well, I'm glad to see the author of Daedalus and yourself are swapping info, and I'm even more glad to hear that it will soon support larger ROMs =P

And also, how far along after he next release do you expect to switch gfx plugin format? If you don't have an expectation, that's cool too, I was just curious.

May 6th, 2006, 19:50
Aw man, someone posted another update to PSPUpdates...at the very least, they didn't include any new screenshots though.

May 6th, 2006, 19:57
And already there are 10 or 20 flames at Monkey. The people there make me sick -_-

May 6th, 2006, 20:02
****. I just cant stand it anymore. God I am realy to bar my build from being posted on any site.

May 6th, 2006, 20:04
maybe u shud jus w8 till release b4 u post or maybe sum how make a private forum?

May 6th, 2006, 20:07
Monkey, I agree with you. If I were you, I would show all those ungrateful little *******s and just release the next build here, it wouldn't matter since most of the people who still like your emulator as well go to this forum anyway. And if you went that way, you really need to send an e-mail to all of the major PSP sites, explicitly stating that they're not allowed to post news about your emulator.

And I'm just wondering, did you tell PSPU that they could post that bit of news, or did they just come here, see what you wrote, and posted it? Either way, I'm really starting to lose faith in the PSPU community -_-

May 6th, 2006, 20:13
Nope I did not tell any sites they could (other then 1 french site). I think pspu got it from wrags post on his site. I didn't put a notice tag at the top of the post saying it should not be posted.

$5 says if I even released it all today, they would come back and just say i am shit and waste of time. Ugg I really cant stand the comment sections on sites anymore.

May 6th, 2006, 20:14
I hate those stupid ungrateful little whiners.

Y'now, PSMonkey is a little bit like jesus. At first everybody loves him, but then everybody turns his back on him, exept for a few, (the diciples) But then, in the end, everybody loves him again!

Ok that didn't really make sense, did it :o

May 6th, 2006, 20:15
Well, I support what you're doing and so does everyone else here. And I noticed that in the comments section, you said that the release is next week. Is this a definite, or are you just estimating? Oh well, guess we'll see when the time comes :P

Good luck with your project ^_^

And btw, all of those features they listed on PSPU, are those what to expect in the next build, or are those just your to-do list?

May 6th, 2006, 20:19
Probably the worst thing about the internet is that people ages 1-13 can still voice their opinion. :p

I put in a comment of support on PSPU to hopefully discourage all those people that really don't realize that you are doing this all for free.

May 6th, 2006, 20:20
Hey, that's not cool, I just turned 14 years old! :P

May 6th, 2006, 20:21
Nope I did not tell any sites they could (other then 1 french site). I think pspu got it from wrags post on his site. I didn't put a notice tag at the top of the post saying it should not be posted.

$5 says if I even released it all today, they would come back and just say i am shit and waste of time. Ugg I really cant stand the comment sections on sites anymore.
STOP READING THE COMMENT SECTION NOW. Really, no one from PSPU actually posts there unless it's praise. Most people are just Anonymous cowards that are afraid to even sign up for the forums. :mad: I have been trying to convince them to stop the comment section, or at least anonymous posts, for ages, but the admins seem set on it. If you would really like to see what the SMART people think, check the forums. ;)

May 6th, 2006, 20:25
Jesus ****ing Christ, NOW people are accusing you of stealing code from Daedalus' source code. I can't believe how stupid some people are. Then you pwnd them by saying your gonna release your source code and they can compare the two and see that it's not copied :P

May 6th, 2006, 20:26
I agree, dont look at the comment sections if you know there are a bunch of noobs flaming... it will just get you angry.

Plus you know where your loyal fans lie (here).

May 6th, 2006, 20:31
yeah. anyways small ps. I got tlb in. Mario64 now starts. Its really slow but I need to optimise my memory functions. Once I rewrite for tables very much like pj64, it should see a nice increase (its about 5-7fps now).

Plus I got a strange bug where the skybox is covering over everything in the scene (so i can't see the castle or anything. :(

Either way its progress.
Also I desided I will add eeprom 4k saves for next week build. Should only take 30 mins to add (atm i emulate eeprom but dont save the results).

May 6th, 2006, 20:33
So that means we will be able to save the game on some ROMs? Sweet action :O

May 6th, 2006, 20:33
;) if you go read the deadlious forums you would see AT LEAST a QUARTER OF THE COMMENTS INCLUDE POSSITIVE FEED BACK ABOUT PSMONKEY ACTUALLY...:confused:

on a personal note....i think that IF the community was EDUCATED about the fact that PSMONKEYS is much much more compatable and written in NATIVE PSP...UNLIKE the PORTED deadlious......and INFORMED about the situation they would be more likeley to be more respectfull of the coders personal time..THAT SAID id like to know WHAT COMMENTS EXACTLY ARE YOU READING TO GET YOU THIS CONCERNED PSMONKEY!!! everything ive read out of the 40 some pages of the daedlious forums has been POSITIVE...and looking foward to psmonkeys release and MORE THAN 90% PEEPS HAD SAID PSMONKEYS WILL BE BETTER THAN THE DAEDLIOUS those who ARENT NEwbS know just how hard you work ...i have a gr8 deal of respect for you because of your charicter psmonkey....your dedication to any challange.......PLEASE dont let this lil pc port discourage the real deal.and the end result of the BEST 64 EMULATOR EVER! i remember you saying FAITH LEADS TO CREATION.....well we have PLENTY OF FAITH IN YOU PSMONKEY.....YOUR JOB IS HARDER YOU HAVE THE LARGER CHALLANGE...creation leads to an idea's success......that phrase is why i look up to you and hope when im out of school ill be as talented of a padawon as you are a master....so dont give up....chin up....and not to be an a-hole i respect you alot.....but suck it up psmonkey ....i miss the hint of arrogance you had before all this...i get the feeling your taking newb comments too heart....if they dont have over 200 post...(no offense to the rare but)..why get worked up...they prob dont have a clue how much harder your psp m64 is to get RUNNING....we love you psmonkey we wont ever betray you....we want to be able to say...." see psmonkey told you so"

May 6th, 2006, 20:38

Out of all of the users who post here, your posts are always the hardest to read. They're an eyesore at best.



May 6th, 2006, 20:41
;) if you go read the deadlious forums you would see AT LEAST a QUARTER OF THE COMMENTS INCLUDE POSSITIVE FEED BACK ABOUT PSMONKEY ACTUALLY...:confused:

on a personal note....i think that IF the community was EDUCATED about the fact that PSMONKEYS is much much more compatable and written in NATIVE PSP...UNLIKE the PORTED deadlious......and INFORMED about the situation they would be more likeley to be more respectfull of the coders personal time..THAT SAID id like to know WHAT COMMENTS EXACTLY ARE YOU READING TO GET YOU THIS CONCERNED PSMONKEY!!! everything ive read out of the 40 some pages of the daedlious forums has been POSITIVE...and looking foward to psmonkeys release and MORE THAN 90% PEEPS HAD SAID PSMONKEYS WILL BE BETTER THAN THE DAEDLIOUS those who ARENT NEwbS know just how hard you work ...i have a gr8 deal of respect for you because of your charicter psmonkey....your dedication to any challange.......PLEASE dont let this lil pc port discourage the real deal.and the end result of the BEST 64 EMULATOR EVER! i remember you saying FAITH LEADS TO CREATION.....well we have PLENTY OF FAITH IN YOU PSMONKEY.....YOUR JOB IS HARDER YOU HAVE THE LARGER CHALLANGE...creation leads to an idea's success......that phrase is why i look up to you and hope when im out of school ill be as talented of a padawon as you are a master....so dont give up....chin up....and not to be an a-hole i respect you alot.....but suck it up psmonkey ....i miss the hint of arrogance you had before all this...i get the feeling your taking newb comments too heart....if they dont have over 200 post...(no offense to the rare but)..why get worked up...they prob dont have a clue how much harder your psp m64 is to get RUNNING....we love you psmonkey we wont ever betray you....we want to be able to say...." see psmonkey told you so"
Biggest. Run-on Sentence. Ever.

May 6th, 2006, 20:43
Umm yeah.... Proper grammer(capitalizing and whatnot) and seperating paragraphs works alot better than color coding.

Anyway-- Yeah, the comments section is a bust, just don't worry about it PSM, they just want attention! Keep up the good work, and I think savestates is a good idea, so then you don't have to wait forever for the intro of games!


May 6th, 2006, 20:47
hmm three things

great progress
ignore pspu
only post here

May 6th, 2006, 21:11
awesome that means once you did the memory thing it will b faster than strmnrms and around 10fps

May 6th, 2006, 21:17
Biggest. Run-on Sentence. Ever

Umm yeah.... Proper grammer(capitalizing and whatnot) and seperating paragraphs works alot better than color coding.

first AT LEAST i was on topic...second i dont need a grammer lesson it wont HELP MY PSP...and third i dont and wont ARGUE ON THE FORUM so feel blessed i bother to respond too you with your combined post of less than 100?? e-mail me...then flame off at the lips...

see my point ...

i was simply trying too encourage psmonkey, not impress you newbs with my grammer...in fact what i posted never had a thing to do with you newbs why post to insult someone....guess what i help people every day im a contributing member i get over 40 mail every day about helping some SO called newb out....and they all have more respect than that....just keep your RUDE comments to your self if you dont like long post.....cuz i actually have something to say other than POINTLESS USELESS COMMENTS i just was saying to not let OTHER peeps comments get to him.....to not care what newbs think u see.....take a look.....that why i dont flame at these lil pecks up there....i dont care...im better than that.....so get all red in the face:mad: ....get real mad ....make a dusch of yourself....i dont mind.. WE WONT LET YOU GET TO US NEWBS.....see psmonkey its not easy to deal with un-nessecary rude peeps but we gotta do what we gotta do...lol

accordian is spelt accordion...lol

im very serious mail me if you have something to say...or ill mail a mod...we wont have another Coo14 vs big mace here!! ill mail a mod kaiser nips it in the bud ...im sorry if you dont like my comments....but thats your right....i respect that.....to bad you cant

May 6th, 2006, 21:19
lol, just lol

May 6th, 2006, 21:21
Ya PSMonkey don't listen to those newbs. They do that to piss u off when in reality they don't even know what there talking about. PSMonkey don't even look at those forms. BTW everyone here we could go to that site and tell them to shut the hell up. But we should not sink down to their idiotic level. oh ya monkey do not get discourage I have been on your side since the beginning and not planning to leave. You have my loyalty As for daedalus he is a good coder. But i have been with since the beginning and plan to see it through and remember one thing some thing that you said, "Faith is what leads to creation. creation leads to an ideals success." - PSMonkey

May 6th, 2006, 21:24

Yes yes, **** the wankers. Anyways sorry thies suck ass (there is a bug in the rsp causing the skybox to draw over everything, so the only way I can see stuff outside the castle is to swap backfacing (i now see their insides. ewwww). Once in the castle I can turn it to the proper mode and you can now see it looks more correct.

I am sadly out of time to work on stuff, im gonna try fixing some stuff later tonight. I have some memory issues to work out (freaking tlb emulation eats up 8MB, so now i cant run 12 or 16 megs rom till i cut that down).

Anyway here is a bunch of mario64 shots. I know i said no more shots but screw it. I am only worried about posting shots since i dont want them on the front page of other news sites. :mad:

May 6th, 2006, 21:25
they dont suck

they r beautiful

***subtitile: mario on acid

May 6th, 2006, 21:26
Lmfao, you think a mod would care that they commented on your grammar? Oh, and you having more posts than them doesn't make you better :P

Anyway, I just came to see if Monkey had commented on making the release DCemu exclusive or not. I see he hasn't, so I'm out.

EDIT: Oh wow, I just looked at those screenshots, nice. I'm just wondering though, does it not make it into the level, or did you just not feel like going in that far?

May 6th, 2006, 21:28
I like the progress :D

May 6th, 2006, 21:28
well vettacossx.
you should have risen above it if you wanted to prove a point, not just replyed in the same manner. now its full of contradictions, just like the world
give up our ideal ideology,

for everyone else
a line allows progress, a circle does not...

stop posting about new releases, stop arguing about two emulators
i wish we had the support thread again
it would be better to have all threads started by monkey & co to be purely for news and helpful feedback. We all have a great amount of support for PSmonkey but there is no need to fill 20 pages of "great progress. i would be glad to start a new support thread if a mod would make sure it stayed open.

May 6th, 2006, 21:32
hmm wow compware this to daedalus with 500+ comments and i dont think this is nearly as much spam

May 6th, 2006, 21:32
Its not UV. its an error in translating textures from n64 format to psp. Somewhere it screws us (on psp i use 32bit textures atm, so i have to convert all n64 stuff up to 32bit, later i'll just swap for 16bit since most n64 games use 16bit or less, only a few spots use 32bit).

Hmm, nice to know that, thx dude!

May 6th, 2006, 21:33
maybe psmonkey can make a thread that only he can post in for major updates and stuff?

May 6th, 2006, 21:36
That would probably be better :P

May 6th, 2006, 21:38
well vettacossx.
you should have risen above it if you wanted to prove a point, not just replyed in the same manner. now its full of contradictions, just like the world
give up our ideal ideology,

for everyone else
a line allows progress, a circle does not...

stop posting about new releases, stop arguing about two emulators
i wish we had the support thread again
it would be better to have all threads started by monkey & co to be purely for news and helpful feedback. We all have a great amount of support for PSmonkey but there is no need to fill 20 pages of "great progress. i would be glad to start a new support thread if a mod would make sure it stayed open.

Yes i agree but at the same time its good to tell PSMonkey that he is appriciated. And BTW EVERYONE THAT IS ARGUING, DO IT IN EMAILS OR IM NOT IN THE FORMS THIS IS FOR INFORMATION NOT FLAMMING. SO LETS GET BACK ON TOPIC.

May 6th, 2006, 21:42
those screen shots are great 23.0?? fps on the level screen thing (i dont know)
up to 7fps in gameplay though

are you concentrating more on full/partial texture support first, or speed increases. it certainly looks playable. it seems strange that while Daedalus starts with good texture it ends up looking pretty much the same after time, why?
would there be a way to speed up the intro, so you dont need to wait a long time to play

May 6th, 2006, 21:43
Excellent work PSMonkey, don't let the lamers at PSPU get you down

May 6th, 2006, 21:44
well vettacossx.
you should have risen above it if you wanted to prove a point, not just replyed in the same manner. now its full of contradictions, just like the world
give up our ideal ideology

you know....your right.....i gotta stop letting my red hair get the best of me i should have done what i did the last 5 rude comments i got from NO-ones...ignore it..but it just gets tiring not everyone has honest critacism..like you....i try to respect everyone..and i spend a gr8 deal of time answering mails...it get trying on your patients ya know....try to understand where im comming from....

anyhow thanx for the release monkey ....i hope you contacted Wraggster and asked him not to let it get out.....there must be something he can do...

May 6th, 2006, 21:44
dont get me wrong i want people to give support
loads of it, the more the better

but there should definately be a proper place for it

May 6th, 2006, 21:49
Your right accoedian boy SO FROM NOW PEOPLE NEWS NO ARGUMENTS NO SPAMMING! Even tho this spam had to get the point accross.

May 6th, 2006, 21:50
So close to monkey release now, i cant wait.

May 6th, 2006, 21:53
Hey when does he plan on releasing it? Once his is out maby people that r not respectiful will get some respect for the guy.

Cap'n 1time
May 6th, 2006, 22:00
OK.. Im going to recommend you to lock this topic. The people are either moronic brown nosers or ridiculing asses. Reading both of your types of horse shit is giving me a headache and I dont exactly know how monkey is not having an aneurysm. PSPU User comment people- please return to the hole you crawled out of. Everyone else quit being retarded. Thanks.

May 6th, 2006, 22:03
Lol, I haven't seen anyone brown-nosing, everyone is just excited about the emu.

But yes, the topic DOES need to be locked, pretty much all points have gotten across.

May 6th, 2006, 22:05
lock it
allow a support thread, with the ultimatum that any mindless chat about releases be banned from news posts, or something

May 6th, 2006, 22:06
people are going to talk shat anyway, lets just make sure it can be kept in its own cage

May 6th, 2006, 22:11
games idea of ONLY monkey is better..;) .one support forum one news forum:D

maybe psmonkey can make a thread that only he can post in for major updates and stuff?

<!-- / message -->

May 6th, 2006, 22:13
Have that so there won't be any problems and topics can stay with the forum.

May 6th, 2006, 22:45
I agree. PSmonkey will make a new thread in a couple of days when he releases the new version of Monkey 64.

May 7th, 2006, 02:35
fyi, forgot to make an update (had to dash after updating).

I improved mario heavly. Its still a bit messed up ( textures ) but now the 3d renders ok (minus trees which are being a little funky atm).

problem was that I needed to add more states to my code (since n64 needs to do here and there things like enable or disable zbuffer, culling mode & setting the depth func).

Either way its nicly improving and does actualy get in game quite well.

that be all for now.