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View Full Version : LPE - Info & Future News (LuaPlayer Euphoria)

August 20th, 2009, 22:00
Via RetroEmu.com - Home Of LuaPlayer Euphoria (http://retroemu.com)

A little update regarding LuaPlayer Euphoria aka LPE.

I will be referring to LuaPlayer Euphoria as LPE throughout this post.

The source :

From now onwards each release of LPE will be accompanied with the source code. I apologize for not doing so to date. I'm not usually one to break GPL, (my Wolfenstein 3D releases were always accompanied with source code), so I won't be doing it anymore.

I would also like the chance to explain why I didn't release the source from the offset.

The reason why I didn't release the source was because of me adding new features in such a rush, that the implementation of some of them was sloppy to say the least and I didn't want anyone gaining a false opinion of my coding credentials by looking at rushed sloppy code.

I am going to pretty much "gut" what I have done so far (bar speed optimizations, as they were done right) and redo them in a proper manner.

The Future :

I have so many things that I have planned to add to LPE it's not even funny.
bar the obvious ones such as : Mp3 Playback via Me, Math on VPFU etc. I plan to finish implementing all Sony System functions (Osk, Netprompt etc) and much more. I am always open to new requests and features so please don't hesitate to ask.

As for release schedules :

I pretty much work on this when and if I please. You have to understand that I work 5 days a week, have a social life now and then (too complex to go into here :p) and also work on my own applications and games.

I go though phases were I work on something non-stop, then like to move onto another project, then return to the previous one. It's how I roll.

Please never assume that if you don't hear from me regarding LPE, or I don't post frequently for a substantial period of time that LPE is dead. It will never be dead until it is finished. Take Wolfenstein 3D as proof of that. Sure it took forever to finish (due to my nature of jumping between projects) but it got done in the end. (although I still need to add custom control mapping support :p).


Another thing I would like to bring up. I often hear people say "which is the best?", for me there isn't a best. At the moment HM and PGE are way more feature filled than LPE sure, that won't stay like that forever. Another thing to note, is that I am not doing this to spite HM/PGE or for any competition whatsoever. The goal of this project is to finish what was started and keep LuaPlayer as LuaPlayer, and not to make things confusing.

Whichever you choose to use is fine by me. For me the philosophy behind the LuaPlayer project is : "We provide the interpreter, you make the program".

PGE and HM's goals are more inline with taking out some of the things required for making programs (in my opinion). Such as built in TileMaps and Animation functions. That is fine, and great for lua programmers to use. It does however take away experience in learning for yourself (which is my philosophy behind LPE at least). You could argue "why reinvent the wheel when the wheel already exists?". My argument to that would be "if you don't reinvent the wheel, can you truly understand how the wheel works?".

Anywhoo that's getting into a much bigger topic that I don't plan on covering here.

To Finalize :

So that's it. I hope that filled you guys in on the source code issue, the LPE vs PGE/HM argument, and the future of LPE.

Thanks for all your support so far and thanks for coming to retroEmu.com and supporting the site also.
