View Full Version : Uh, What's Going On With Palm's App Catalog?

August 22nd, 2009, 00:25
When Palm lets any new apps into the App Catalog, it's news. Why? because there are only, like 40 apps to start with, and since additions are hand-chosen, they're usually pretty great. Then, this.

Here's the news, run through some kind of obligatory excitement filter:

The first app is Word Ace, a must-have game for any Pre users.

Then there's Mileage Monitor, the title explains what the app is.

Bubbles!, another game from the developers that brought you Spades. Goal of game, connect bubbles of the same color and pop them.

ESPN Zoom, a Photo hunt game.

Kosher2Go, Kosher database.

And last but not least, Shabbat Shalom, this app will allow you to quickly check the candle lighting times, havdalah time and parsha for the week in any location in the world.

There's nothing specifically wrong with these apps—Word Ace actually sounds pretty cool, especially for a Pre game—but usually when Palm opens the gates, it's for something a little more, I dunno, subtantial? I mean, I love me some Judaic ceremonial planning apps, but is this really what your Early Access app approval backlog looks like? Unofficial homebrew apps are starting to get pretty impressive, so beyond the odd game maybe throw in a Last.fm client or a photo editor or something, just to let everyone know you're still in this.
