View Full Version : Hexen 2

May 2nd, 2006, 19:17
i bet it is possibel since quake has already been ported to the psp, and its open source.

May 3rd, 2006, 04:52
I would doubt it. Hexen 2 (like all Raven games made on ID engines) is a HIGHLY modified Quake engine. It's got alot more going on than first appears. There's EXP to calculate, destructable walls, different character classes with different abilities/weaponry and I do believe it supports more objects and polys than the original Quake, but I could be wrong on that one. You'd have to get ahold of the source code, and I doubt Raven Software is gonna just hand it over.

Be nice if they did though, someone should ask 'em......

May 4th, 2006, 17:35

May 4th, 2006, 20:49
Holy hell, I stand corrected. GREAT find. I think someone (with time) should look into porting this now that the source is available.

May 6th, 2006, 15:30
finnally some1 whants the same game i whant.

May 7th, 2006, 19:07
well? any1 else out there whant this game?

May 11th, 2006, 14:10
You bet! But I doubt it's gonna happen. Unlike Quake Hexen 2 uses DirectX for software rendering; porting it would be a b*tch. Besides, it's not nearly as popular.

May 13th, 2006, 04:16
i know, every1 whants to play that stupid italian plumber

May 13th, 2006, 04:52
i know, every1 whants to play that stupid italian plumber
Correction a green elf like dude.

May 13th, 2006, 07:34
It sems awsome but the system requriemts say it needs 24mb of ram, hmm dosent the psp after botting and stuff have 28mb to spare?

May 14th, 2006, 07:01
It sems awsome but the system requriemts say it needs 24mb of ram, hmm dosent the psp after botting and stuff have 28mb to spare?
that can be fixed by lower the quality.

May 14th, 2006, 07:13
You know what your right it wants like 24mb of ram when running on windows95, and if my memory serves me correctly wind95 will run on 8mb of ram so I would imagin win95 usues 5mb of ram (its been a while since I have used windows95) so you would have more ram to spare since there is no os to run. It will take some work since it is obvisiouly better looking than quake or doom, but it looks doable with the right workers and I would like to help but I have no previous xp. I am excited to see this take off and since it is open source I may just have a stab at porting it to somthing just for the xp and kicks..

May 14th, 2006, 08:28
My one major problem I see with this is DirectX (or lack thereof).

May 14th, 2006, 18:34
yep, and quake 2 usses directx and look at how well it runs on the psp.

Cap'n 1time
May 14th, 2006, 20:02

May 14th, 2006, 20:32
Was there an option to get hexen to run in opengl?

May 15th, 2006, 01:22
yes. it comes on the cd.

May 19th, 2006, 02:49
You know what your right it wants like 24mb of ram when running on windows95, and if my memory serves me correctly wind95 will run on 8mb of ram so I would imagin win95 usues 5mb of ram (its been a while since I have used windows95) so you would have more ram to spare since there is no os to run. It will take some work since it is obvisiouly better looking than quake or doom, but it looks doable with the right workers and I would like to help but I have no previous xp. I am excited to see this take off and since it is open source I may just have a stab at porting it to somthing just for the xp and kicks..

You ever run Win95 on 8MB of RAM? "Run" isn't the word I would use, "load" would be more accurate. Anyway, the game is pretty old-school as far as gfx are concerned. I believe the tiles are only 64x64, but at best they would only be 256x256. And software render did not use DirectX, not for graphics anyway. It did, however, use DirectSound. I've been messing around with it on my PC (2.8GHz P4 Prescott, 1GB RAM WinXP Pro) with the software render. It doesn't work so good beyond the standard 320x200 res. Even at 640x480 when it has to do transparency it chops up. And any sound through the water doesn't come out too good (prolly a winXP thing). I'm just saying this for the benefit of whoever steps up to the challenge of coding this marvelous game.

All of that said, I believe with the right optimization this would be completely playable on a 1.5 PSP (and 2.0+ once someone figures out how to use the ME processor on it). Basically, if we can have the CPU for tracking objects (lots of destroyables), the ME for sound and the GPU for graphics (like transparance and water effects) the game should run at full speed. And by the time it gets a coder (I've noticed that most a busy ATM) all of that will be possible.

Here's to hopin'!