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View Full Version : Gcube Front End 0.3 Released

December 15th, 2004, 10:39
MGFox has released a new front end for the Gamecube Emulator GCube, heres whats new:[br][br]As most of you will know gCube 0.3 was released recently, and it now has more options on the command line to allow greater control and compatability of the emulation. I have updated gCubeFront to incorporate these options (and a few other minor fixes) and figured i'd give it to you guys again.[br][br]You can find the new options in the "Advanced Options" window. Please be aware that the Refresh Delay box should only contain a numeric value, although the gCubeFront will accept...well...anything, gCube itself WILL NOT, I will create a check for it if people tell me they want one otherwise I'll assume you're all happy![br][br]Run it in the directory with gCube.exe and enjoy![br][br]Download from Here (http://gcemu.dcemu.co.uk/gcube.shtml)

January 3rd, 2005, 18:57
cool :o