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View Full Version : Nintendo Wii is 'fresh and all encompassing' says UK chief

May 4th, 2006, 00:30
Via Eurogamer (http://www.eurogamer.net/article.php?article_id=64288)

Speaking to our sister site GamesIndustry.biz, Nintendo's UK boss David Yarnton has praised the "fresh, all-inclusive and all-encompassing" nature of the Wii name for the firm's new console, and dismissed criticism of it as "juvenile."

"What we wanted to do was to appeal to new people," he explained. "It had to be something that was fresh; while I wouldn't say it didn't have any connections, it had to be all-encompassing for people, rather than just necessarily a small user base."

Yarnton admitted that the new name will take some time to settle in with people, but insisted that the Wii announcement has created a "really good buzz".

It's like any new name," he said, "it takes a while to get established. I think that you'll find that in not even six months, in a short period of time, people will accept it; they won't be referring to Revolution or next-generation, it'll just be Wii."

He also acknowledged criticism of the Wii name, commenting that "you can't please everyone all the time", but claimed that this criticism is not severe - even in the UK, where the name has been derided for being the same as a common children's word for urination.

"I think there are a lot of words out there like that that are used for other brands, companies and things like that - words that have different connotations and so on," he said. "I really think that if we get out of the gutter and the juvenile side of things, it's just a word. It's Wii. Actually, it's not even a word, because it's something that we've created from zero."

"I could say lots of words in a sentence that people giggle about and then carry on, but it doesn't necessarily mean that there's anything wrong with the words," he continued. "Look, we think it's a bit of fun as well - it's fine, people can have a bit of a laugh. It's part of what we're doing; what we're in is the business of creating entertainment for people to have fun. It's seemed to create quite a bit of that just in the name!"

Yarnton encouraged commentators to "look beyond just the name, at the whole philosophy of what we're about," and said that he expected people to have a very different perception of the Wii once they've played the device at E3.

Ultimately, he said, it's all about moving the product into the mass-market - a shift reflected by the name as much as by the firm's overall approach.

"There are a lot of people out there, and with the interface for DS and then moving on with the Wii controllers, it's meant to make it easy for people," he concluded, "and perhaps bring in some of those people in that normally wouldn't even think about looking at videogames."

May 4th, 2006, 10:49
i think that, deep down, he knows just how damaging this name is for the uk market.
nintendo uk must be dying inside, yes nintendo fans will buy it- but sony and microsoft fans wont touch it and will have more fun ripping nintendo fans about the name than actually buying one. and as for the mass market? the non gamers who nintendo are aiming this at?
british people, young and old, male and female will NOT go into a shop and ask for a 'wee'. i guarantee it.
maybe in the rest of the world, the 'blue ocean' strategy will work like it has with the ds.
but in the uk, this name has insured the wii will be no more or less a success than the gamecube- ie only bought by nintendo fans and parents for little kids cause its the cheapest console with lots of 'kiddie' games.
and for us nintendo fans, it will be just as gutting as it was with the gamecube.

May 5th, 2006, 12:06
Via Eurogamer (http://www.eurogamer.net/article.php?article_id=64288)"It's like any new name," he said, "it takes a while to get established. I think that you'll find that in not even six months, in a short period of time, people will accept it; they won't be referring to Revolution or next-generation, it'll just be Wii."What's this supposed to mean? That we'll like it 'cause you tell us to???? This whole scheme is rediculous. They say they're trying to make it more accessible to the common person, but then they give it a rediculous name (that the common person will recognize as rediculous) that takes countless articles to justify. So, when the average, non-gamer common person hears this ***-arsed name, how are they supposed to know that it's not just some attempt to be sophmorically witty, but that there's actually a justification behind it? BRILLIANT STRATEGY. Non-gamers are going to hear the name, think it's rediculous, and they'll almost certainly never hear the justification for it. Nintendo'd better be worrying themselves stupid that non-gamers will even consider buying it in the face of this gimmick.

I'm sorry, but this whole scheme seems like the typical "high-class", elitist, clichish, trendy, college-grad nonsense that typifies American advertising these days. The average person can not identify with this. For bloody goodness sakes, other than Apple, when was the last time an American advertising campaign was successful on any kind of scale globally?????

Give it a name with more mass appeal than "Revolution"! I don't care! But the more I read about this particular cr*p-shoot of a name, the more PO'd I get, and at this rate, the Revolution could be $50, and the PS3 $500, and I'd still get an expensive PS3 with a weak library over a cheap Revolution with an excellent library, but with a name that ticked me off and made me sick every time I saw it.

May 5th, 2006, 13:58
but with a name that ticked me off and made me sick every time I saw it.

How very shallow of you. The name has really grown on me since it was announced. I think it's a brave step and I know most people will think it's stupid but hopefully it will grown on them too. We all know the Wii will be the least successful of the 3 next gen consoles but I still think it will do well, Nintendo have never let me down before.

Cap'n 1time
May 5th, 2006, 15:09
WARNING! Wii joke:
Ah, there is nothing like having a fresh Wii after a nice shower!

May 5th, 2006, 21:41
1time: Very witty (!_!) We really need to sticky a thread for all of the past, present, and future jokes in honor of this (ahem), "Wii" name

How very shallow of you. The name has really grown on me since it was announced. I think it's a brave step and I know most people will think it's stupid but hopefully it will grown on them too. We all know the Wii will be the least successful of the 3 next gen consoles but I still think it will do well, Nintendo have never let me down before.I won't deny that it's shallow to get caught up in a name, but I've already said that it's no exageration that this name makes me physically sick. If it were just a rediculous name, I could eventually get over it, but when my stomach turns everytime I see it, this isn't going to be an issue of getting used to it, it's going to be an issue of whether or not I can ever be in the same room with it.

Besides, do you really think it's shallow of me to stick to my opinion on this name? For some reason the people who said they hated it at first, but are liking it more and more each day are the ones that strike me as incredibly shallow (you didn't say you hated it at first, so I'm not nessecarily talking about you). Follow the leader you lemmings! Nintendo said it's good, so it must be, right? I'm not asking anyone to abandon their support for the console, a bad name does not change what makes it what it is, but for goodness sakes, show a little integrity and let Nintendo know that you're not going to like certain aspects soley on the basis of it's what a couple of their overly-educated American marketing "whizes" said was best. Nintendo's already let it be known that they're not concerned with the opinions of the mainstream gamers (I'll give them points on that front), so what, are you worried about making them upset?

Ultimately, what makes me the most intellectually upset about this name is that Nintendo is willing to push a name on people that they know they'll dislike at first, and then expect them to just live with it. They took a console that I was eagerly anticipating, their first home console that looked like it had any hope of success in the past three generations, and turned it into some social experiment. It's disgusting, and they've managed to douse any enthusiasm I had for the system in order to create a radical corporate image. Until this point, I've been generally very supportive of Nintendo. They've made some questionable moves in the past, but with this name, they've finally taken a move that alienates me completely. This tactic is very reminiscent of Sega's marketing ploys, and we all know the ending to that story. It's very sad that Nintendo would even risk marching themselves down that same path.

May 5th, 2006, 22:55
I agree; it's a stupid name. And I do fear this is going to be exactly like game cube and all the other nintendo consoles, where they've pandered to the likes of the children. I'll feel like a kid if I own a nintendo, (any of the 4 consoles, maybe to include virtual boy), but atleast XBOX has ppl my age on the box. And Playstation always has great universal hits and genres that span all age gaps.

May 6th, 2006, 02:38
Nintendo Wii sounds so stupid... The name gives me a bad feeling

May 7th, 2006, 00:42
Ah, there is nothing like having a fresh Wii after a nice shower!

Oh and "Ah, there is nothing like having a fresh PS3/Xbox 360 after a nice shower" sounds a lot better?