View Full Version : Why Is It So Difficult To Allow Cross-Platform Play?

August 28th, 2009, 15:03
I just got the most recent version of the Madden franchise ('10) for the PS3. Can somebody explain to me why EA has separate networks for the different platforms, only allowing players to compete with people using the same console? Back in the day, there were large discrepancies between the consoles, but these days it seems like the Xbox and the PS3 are at least near the same level. After so many releases for this franchise, they've got to have a fairly standardized protocol for networking; it seems arbitrary not to let them compete. Or am I just missing something obvious? Is it just a matter of Xbox Live and the PlayStation Network not working together?"


August 28th, 2009, 20:25
The answer couldn't be more simple.. if 1 person has madden on Ps3 they'd try to convince their mates to buy a Ps3 as well making better sales for Sony, and the developer can't include cross platform play because they have to keep Sony happy.

August 29th, 2009, 02:22
^^ thats a perfect answer, i think this post should b locked bcoz nothing more can be said after answering this lol.

August 29th, 2009, 17:26
I think it's mainly down to the companies that make the games, they always make a few unnoticeable differences to games... They could make the games exact for the online modes, but that is where they could begin to lose out when they release future games exclusively for each console they want you to continue buying their titles no matter what console they are on... Almost like pushing console sales, though many people own both of the superior consoles and have friends who only own either of one. That is where they can push the marketing, they won't allow you to play with all of them unless of course they have the exact console version... I've known of people to purchase both the PS3 and Xbox360 version of a title just so they can play online with friends.

It's been a question for quite some time as to why consoles cannot cross network play, but the simple answer is somewhere around pushing sales.