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View Full Version : Segas Big E3 Announcement

May 13th, 2004, 21:32
News From C&VG (http://www.computerandvideogames.com/front_index.php?) [br][br] After a couple of weeks of speculation, hype and anticipation, Sega's big E3 announcement has been revealed to be the mildly-interesting-but-hardly-very-exciting news that it has bagged the publishing rights to Warner Bros.' MMORPG The Matrix Online.[br]Sega's "revelation" at E3 had the kind of impact normally reserved for a helium-filled balloon bouncing off a baby's head. "That's it?" was the astonished response from many, especially after the press, including us, had reported on the deal back on Monday before Wednesday's show kick-off. [br][br]"We thought you were planning a new console..." balked a few over-imaginative souls seated at the back.[br][br]So there you have it, Sega is publishing the PC MMORPG The Matrix Online. We knew it. You knew it. Ubisoft had it, but for whatever reason, didn't want it. We can hardly contain ourselves. At least Keanu Reeves hasn't lent his acting talents to the game. [br][br]There you have it, not what we were all hoping or expecting, infact quite boring in my opinion :P