View Full Version : 6 Wii Controllers You've Got to Try on Your Nintendo Wii

August 31st, 2009, 01:07
One of the reasons why Nintendo is currently one of the top gaming consoles is because of its innovative controllers. They have the largest variety of controllers with more interaction than any other system.

In fact, there are so many controllers, it can get confusing as to which ones are the best. I am going to go over the most common ones and some not-so-common ones you may want to try.

The Nintendo Wii initially comes with a Wii Remote Controller and a Wii Nunchuk Controller, and although more additional controllers available. If you are just starting out, these are all you basically need and you're good to go for most games.

If you really want to have additional features and game benefits, here are the following Wii Controllers you may want to get for yourself:

More here (http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/2100823/6_wii_controllers_youve_got_to_try.html?cat=19).