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View Full Version : AVEC GPS V3 (1.50 Kernel) - Release!

September 1st, 2009, 04:36
AVEC GPS V3 (1.50 kernel)




Hi Guys,
Here is the release of AVEC GPS V3 (1.50 kernel) version.
I'm still looking for a company to sponsor me with a PSP-290 GPS accessory so newer
firmware versions can be supported with a live GPS mode.

This one can track your position on the map in real time with any serialy connected
GPS device compatible with the MapThis! program, including Garmin and Hollux brand recievers.

V3 also has a "Find Place by Name" feature that will find any place on the map.
The text entry system for this feature has auto complete like commercial GPS units.

A Windows MP Conversion Tool is included with this release for producing files
of the new MPI type which allow fast searching for real time GPS navigation.


MP files can also be converted with AVEC on the PSP, but the PC program is much faster.

Keep an eye out for updates, and please vote for AVEC in the Neoflash 2009 Coding Competition.
If I win any cash prize, it will be used to purchase the PSP-290 USB GPS so support for it
can be implemented in a future version.
Cheers, Art.

YouTube Real Time Navigation Demo Video:

YouTube Find Place by Name Demo Video:


AVEC GPS V3 Download links (Backup) :

(having trouble uploading to the forum, so fileshare services will have to do)