View Full Version : NEO4ALL AES burning help plz

May 6th, 2006, 20:33
I used bootdreams to burn a NEO4ALL/AES cd. I put the aes files in the root dir along with the 1st_read.bin and the NEO4ALL folder had these files in it:

* Background_AES.bmp
* Beep.wav
* Colors.txt
* Loading.bmp
* Memcard.bin
* Patch.prg
* Splash_AES.bmp
* Startup.bin
* Text.bmp
* Text2.bmp
* Window.bmp

The dreamcast-scene guide said that I could delete the other files that were originally there so I did.

In bootdreams I used CDRecord and burned a DATA/DATA disc.

For some reason when I ran the disc it didn't boot. Why is that?

dave auto
May 7th, 2006, 21:05
I'm unfamiliar with bootdreams; does it automatically generate an ip.bin file for you? If not, you may have to add one yourself. I just plucked the ip.bin from another DC emulator and dropped it into the root directory.

You may want to double-check to make sure you've got the proper bios files, as well. It took me a few tries to find the right ones. That guide on dreamcast-scene is excellent (thanks, Christuserloeser!) and should steer you right. I, personally, am a blithering idiot, and even I managed to get it working :D

Hope this helps, good luck.

May 7th, 2006, 21:48
it did generate an ip.bin, i would think the cd would at least boot even if its a bios problem, but i'm sure its not

dave auto
May 8th, 2006, 11:08
Yes, you're right about the bios, now that I think about it. Maybe it's the manner in which you're burning? I suspect my own method is completely different (I'm on a Mac), but, for what it's worth, I burn as a Multi-track CD-ROM XA in two sessions, because the DreamInducer program I use produces two files, "fixed.iso" (which is the first session) and "header.iso." For me, at least, this has produced a useable disc almost every time.

I'm not sure if any of this even applies to your situation, tho :p Anyone else out there have any advice to offer on using bootdreams?

May 8th, 2006, 13:13
In bootdreams I used CDRecord and burned a DATA/DATA disc.

For some reason when I ran the disc it didn't boot. Why is that?

Try using the AUDIO/DATA method.

Btw: Thanks for the thanks Dave :)

dave auto
May 9th, 2006, 06:44
No, no, no, thank YOU...for thanking me...for thanking you...for writing that tutorial in the first place :p
BTW, who is that a picture of in your sig, if you don't mind my asking?

May 13th, 2006, 04:11
Nah, it's Klaus Kinski in "For a Few Dollars More":


More about Kinski, a great Polish/German actor:


My nickname also comes from Kinski's "Jesus Tour" in 1971: "Christus Erloeser tour" - Yes, one could say I'm a fan :D