View Full Version : Mad Catz ships $300 Fender Stratocaster Rock Band guitar, disgraces real musicians

September 4th, 2009, 16:21

We always knew something like this was a realistic possibility, but we had high hopes that it'd never really come to fruition. Today, what little hope we had left in humanity has been thoroughly crushed, as the introduction of a guitar controller that costs far more than many actual guitars has occurred. In an effort to truly milk the sector for all it's worth, Mad Catz has begun to ship the sunburst-colored Rock Band Wireless Wooden Fender Stratocaster, which is a 1:1 replica of the iconic axe that is constructed from genuine Stratocaster wooden blanks. Heck, even the tuning keys and bridge are built from genuine Fender metal parts and fittings. There's also a wireless module designed to function with Microsoft's Xbox 360, and just so you know you're getting your money's worth, the $299.99 asking price also includes a Fender guitar strap and a headset socket for online play. So, who out there is brazen enough to admit that they're buying one (or two)?
