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View Full Version : Ultimate Battles DS

September 5th, 2009, 17:16
MrSonic has released an entry into the Scenery Beta 2009 (http://www.scenebeta.com/noticia/bases-scenery-beta-2009-international-homebrew-showcase)

DS Ultimate Battles is a simple fighting game ships, which pits the mythical characters based on Sonic saga, with sprites edited by the author. You will have to end the life of your opponent, either human or CPU. Part of Scenery Beta 2009.

Author, Master Sonic.

The approach is simple: your ship crushes your opponent. If you take a bus to take the lead trick the machine, it will be difficult to overcome you. It's more fun to play doubles with shared control of the console, if somewhat chaotic at the option of atravessar edges (by the fact that the spacecraft passes through and reappears at the edges of the screen).

Version 1.1 Enhancements
Collision between ships but achieved (this seems to be pushing).
A new option (pass side) this option is to allow or not to cross the sides out on the other hand, if the option is not to not pass.

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