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May 9th, 2006, 23:31
StrmnNrmn posted this update in our PSP News Forum (http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/showthread.php?p=116362#post116362)

<blockquote>Ok, brief update time! I've been working on rewriting the dynamic recompiler from scratch for the PSP. A few months ago I started writing a PSP port of the original dynarec, but I quickly realised that I'd need to take a whole new approach if I wanted it to fit in memory on the PSP. If you've not heard of dynarec before it's basically a way of speeding up the emulator by recompiling the rom's code for the target platform (i.e. the PSP) rather than interpreting instructions one by one.

I'm basically using the same approach that HP used on their Dynamo dynamic optimiser (I talk about it a bit more here: http://strmnnrmn.blogspot.com/). The cool thing about this approach compared to my original attempt is that it uses far less memory - I think I will be able to get it running in less than 1MB ram, compared to around 10MB that the PC version used.

I've still got a lot of work to do before the dynarec is actually usable, but I'm hoping to release another build sometime over the weekend with a bunch of additional graphics fixes. In the mean time I'll try to post a few more progress updates on the site above.</blockquote>

May 9th, 2006, 23:51
the link he's dead

May 10th, 2006, 00:10

There was a ")" in the actual link. But this is great news. I can't wait to see where this project goes.

May 10th, 2006, 00:15
OOO MANN!!! I cant wait for the next realease

May 10th, 2006, 01:15
very nice i also can't wait for next realease

May 10th, 2006, 01:31
i cant wait keep up the good work mate and very soon there will be a handsome donation very soon my friend very soon

May 10th, 2006, 01:32
he's the best coder lol

May 10th, 2006, 01:55
no he just ported it from the pc to the psp psmonkey is coding it for the psp originally. i am not saying that this is awesome that he got it to work it is just that psnomkeys emu will be better

May 10th, 2006, 02:19
I'm not sure about all the technical mumbo jumbo, but it sounds like you have some new tricks, it may turn out better than originally planned.
Great work, thanks for the update. :)

Also, could you guys drop the comparisons between the 2 emus?
We all know the details of both and we don't need to be repeatedly reminded.
Just let both guys do there own thing. ;)

I honestly could care less who thinks what emu is better, I'll be the judge of that myself.

Now, see if we can stay on topic.

May 10th, 2006, 03:38
Originally Posted by drew4237
no he just ported it from the pc to the psp psmonkey is coding it for the psp originally. i am not saying that this is awesome that he got it to work it is just that psnomkeys emu will be better

Well strmnnrmn did create the original Daedalus. He is also making a dynamic recompiler so that it will run specially for the PSP. We'll just hafta watch to see how it goes. I believe it will do good! :)

May 10th, 2006, 03:42
Thanks for the hard work StrmnNrmn! I just tried Mario64 out, and it looks amazing.

May 10th, 2006, 04:09
I'm looking forward to seeing what kind of progress you can make with the dynamic recompiler. It sounds like a very suitable and viable option for improvement.

Good luck!

May 10th, 2006, 05:16
i cant wait keep up the good work mate and very soon there will be a handsome donation very soon my friend very soon

Yes, this is surely worth donation and support. I can't believe the progress that is being made with this. So many great developments lately for the PSP. I don't nearly understand the technical & coding aspects of this but it sounds like really exciting and promising news.

May 10th, 2006, 06:37
Looking forward to the next release!
Nice job on R4.

May 10th, 2006, 07:03

Why couldnt a program be writen for the pc or psp.
That converts the roms to the necessary format before we even used them in Daedalus?
Wouldnt this save memory for Daedalus and be less taxing on the over all emu?

just a thought, Even tho I dont know what im talking about ;)

May 10th, 2006, 07:06
no he just ported it from the pc to the psp


NO has to be the biggest 2 letter word there is, and you should KNOW what you're talking about when using it as the first word in a reply (or quote) to someone.

As NeoXCS said, and as I myself pointed out on an earlier thread... strmnnrmn made the EMU from scratch on the PC a long time ago and then ported it over. He didn't just port over somebody else's work.

PSPmonkey has said himself that strmnnrmn has more experience coding N64.
PSPmonkey, however has more time under his belt coding for the PSP.

They are both good/smart coders/people and we need them both. They have already helped each other out a bit and will continue to do so (hopefully).

To critisize either one or to try and place one above the other is very childish, especially coming from someone who would freak out if he/she were told to write a 'Hello world' program in any language for any system, or die.

May 10th, 2006, 07:57
duhhhhhhh......................................... ...........
is kinda good the way to use a method like that.

May 10th, 2006, 08:15
Come to find out , Even tho its a good idea, it is ridiculously difficult to create a program that recompiles roms the way I mentioned :(

May 10th, 2006, 08:18
Well strmnnrmn did create the original Daedalus. He is also making a dynamic recompiler so that it will run specially for the PSP. We'll just hafta watch to see how it goes. I believe it will do good! :)

Well said my friend! :) I just hate the whole fact that the n64 emulator has become "The whos a better coder competition" They make these emulators for us for free and if we feel generous we donate to them and if we don't donate we should keep the negitive comments to ourselves in the end there will be 2 or more n64 emulators and we as people will choose which one suits us best but i for one wont be complaining whos the better coder ;)

May 10th, 2006, 13:11
I fully agree :) Two emulators can only be a good thing in the end because they seem to be colaborating (information at least) so they'll each find and fix differnet problems and find better solutions :rolleyes: It can only be good for us! :D

May 10th, 2006, 18:12
There is nothing wrong with constructive criticism. But judging one coder or another as best and criticizing the other is just wrong.

The PSP community needs coders like PSmonkey and StrmnNrmn. Without them we wouldn't even be talking about an N64 emu.

I was closely watching PSmonkey's emu since its first day. Seemed like a bold move, but it took a long time for it to get to where it is now. Coding from scratch with the PSP in mind has its benefits over porting a PC version.

But when the original author of the PC version is the one porting it over to the PSP, it really evens the playing field out.

As has been said before: StrmnNrmn has more knowledge about N64 emulation than PSmonkey, but PSmonkey knows the ins and outs of PSP coding better than StrmnNrmn.

While I wouldn't mind seeing the two working together(since they could undoubtedly help one another greatly and produce the best N64 emu ever to grace the PSP), competition makes for a better end product.

May 10th, 2006, 20:37
cant wait for the next release

May 10th, 2006, 23:51
i feel bad now, ill donate later.

May 11th, 2006, 00:37
I need next release *drool*

May 11th, 2006, 21:54
Hope this new release will speed up the emulation a bit!