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View Full Version : Nintendo shows off Wii Remote and Classic Controller

May 9th, 2006, 23:36
Via Engadget (http://www.engadget.com/2006/05/09/nintendo-shows-off-wii-remote/)

If there was one highlight of Nintendo's press conference earlier today, it was the Wii Remote. While Sony showed off what games on the PS3 would look like, Nintendo's focus was on what they would feel like. So, it's not surprising that, from the moment a tux-clad Shigeru Miyamoto bounded onstage and conducted a virtual orchestra using the remote, to a climactic tennis game, the unique Wii controller was the centerpiece of the show. So, what did we learn about the Wii Remote today that we didn't already know? For one thing, Nintendo confirmed that the remote does indeed include a speaker, which is used mainly to provide ambient sound connected to actions: fire an arrow, and you'll hear the bowstring being pulled right in your hand. There's also a microphone for voice-controlled gaming. The Wii Remote also includes motion sensors in both the nunchuk and the trigger controller, allowing both left and right hands to act independently and direct onscreen actions. While using the Remote may not be as intuitive and simple as Nintendo's execs want us to believe, one thing's certain: it definitely looks like a fun way to play golf. Or baseball. Or tennis. Or the drums. Or drive a car, truck or plane. Nintendo also had an answer for anyone who isn't quite ready for the Wii Remote: the Wii Classic Controller. We'll stick with the Wiimote for now, but will pick off one of these for when we just have to kick it old skool

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May 10th, 2006, 04:37

Cap'n 1time
May 10th, 2006, 05:47
looks like it was designed for the japanese hands... i like the snes design though :)

May 10th, 2006, 07:30
a snes controller with thumbsticks and moulded handgrips, genius!

May 10th, 2006, 12:00
pretty basic, I like it definitely something I'm not gonna be spending 3 hours getting used to

May 10th, 2006, 20:37
hot sex