View Full Version : DCStella V0.2F Released

April 26th, 2004, 13:55
Svolli (http://our-arca.de/DCstella/) has finally came out of hiding and posted this news, plus a new release of dcstella with a bug fix to the paddle code:[br][br] My diploma thesis paper is finally handed in, so now I can spend some time again on this little baby. [br] New release (v0.2f): Chester Kelly found a bug in the paddle code. This one is fixed now. [br] Sourcecode is one big package now, containing also a shell script to build your own toolchain. [br] There now is a DCStella mailing list for annoncements and discussion: send a mail to [email protected] with the subject "subscribe dcstella" and you're in.[br][br]You can download it from our local page here (http://www.dcemu.co.uk/stelladc.shtml)[br]Source: http://our-arca.de/DCstella/

April 26th, 2004, 20:51
Yes, this is really great! I find Svolli a very talented progammer and I do like DC Stella very, very much! I saw a post some days ago by Svolli on the DC Dev Yahoo group and I was hoping he released a new DC Stella (even after more than a year!). Let's see what he can improve on the already solid emu.