View Full Version : Welcome to so what do you want, Issue #1

May 11th, 2006, 10:58
As you may have guessed by now, Im not your news guy.
I like to keep things busy around here during the slower hours of the night;)

Tonights Is the dawn of somthing that may or may not ever been seen again, So what do you want:D
This is a topic where you are encuraged to leave suggestions on what you would like to see here at Dcemu:cool:
Its also a topic where your encuraged to leave feedback on your opinions on anything Dcemu, Whatever they may be:cool:

Thats right, We care about what you think :p
Were here to make your netting experience a happy one:cool:

So Tonight is user feedback night, Feel free to post anything you wish from pic's to links of interesting sites you have ran across.
Theres still rules of corse no flameing and no links to warez or porn;)
But I encurage you to use this space creatively
see if you can shock and amaze people or just get a laugh from somone:D
Its your call.
Ultimately how you make use of this opertunity is up to you. But be warned people are stearing at you lol

May 11th, 2006, 11:18
I would like to know what people would think of a dcemu podcast:confused:
its an idea ive had and im not makeing any promises,
But how would you feel about a weekly or monthly podcast covering homebrew highlights, with news and possible coder interviews?

Let us know somthing :)

May 11th, 2006, 11:28
I think it would be an awesome idea... especialy here ín the sommertime where ppl go on vacation, it would be great to then come home after a week or two, and then get all the highligths of the time you where gone:P

Also, it would be great to incourage ppl to make some more things in flash made for use on the psp. Think abit of those pour ppl who had to upgrade so they cuold play some off the new games. I'm not that much into Flash coding, but can't allmost everything get implemented into a flash thing... anyways, its just thoughts:P


May 11th, 2006, 12:08
whats a podcast

May 11th, 2006, 12:10
I'm not particularly interested in a pod-cast, but I do love this site and its been very helpful so keep up the good work.

The only thing I'd change is to tie a dictionary or spell-checker to Shadow Prophet's left hand so he'd remember to use one...

somthing = something
encuraged = encouraged
your encuraged = you are encouraged or you're encouraged
So Tonight = So tonight
you have ran = you ran or you have run
Theres = There is or There's
corse = course
flameing = flaming
encurage = encourage
opertunity = oppertunity
stearing = staring

May 11th, 2006, 12:12
no i also think a podcast would suck.
how about an mp4 section, where users could send links to mp4s we have made (obviously no copyrighted material or porn) ?

May 11th, 2006, 12:20
I'm not particularly interested in a pod-cast, but I do love this site and its been very helpful so keep up the good work.

The only thing I'd change is to tie a dictionary or spell-checker to Shadow Prophet's left hand so he'd remember to use one...

somthing = something
encuraged = encouraged
your encuraged = you are encouraged or you're encouraged
So Tonight = So tonight
you have ran = you ran or you have run
Theres = There is or There's
corse = course
flameing = flaming
encurage = encourage
opertunity = oppertunity
stearing = staring

You wouldnt bust somone out on spelling now would you :eek:

*its terrible I admit.
And ill take the fall for it :p
Without even giveing you all the raz of how im on a wireless kb, or going into how it fast I type out a post.

*duely noted and Shadow will watch for spelling errors in the future lol :o

May 11th, 2006, 12:51
You wouldnt bust somone out on spelling now would you :eek:

*its terrible I admit.
And ill take the fall for it :p
Without even giveing you all the raz of how im on a wireless kb, or going into how it fast I type out a post.

*duely noted and Shadow will watch for spelling errors in the future lol :o

i see you're starting after this post... :D

btw, its milky way, not milkeyway :rolleyes:

May 11th, 2006, 13:01
lol jeez people lol

If you hadnt cought me on a good night ;)

May 11th, 2006, 13:18
I dunno, I think a podcast wouldn't be too bad, as long as the reader isn't a Ben Stien wanna-be. Also, I dunno if there's enough good stuff to have a weekly podcast, but a monthly one might not be all bad.

May 11th, 2006, 13:27
Did you know futuramas comeing back :p
So far there are four all new dvds comeing out, with the possibility of at least one new season :cool:
There going to try to bring it back like that did with family guy :D

May 11th, 2006, 14:15
I want a pony to eat jupiter... and a GBA emulator

May 11th, 2006, 14:53
i would like to see a working genesis emulator for eloader. Dgen seems to be the best one out but it does not work with the eloader :( !

May 11th, 2006, 17:05
something id like to see is the ability to "check / mark" the homebrew / apps on the list that the user has seen, tried, doesnt work, and hasnt tried

May 11th, 2006, 17:29
Sometimes, when new applications are posted, I won't know what the hell it is because there aren't descriptions of what the app actually is. Sometimes the app is self-explanatory, but I would appreciate having at least a one sentence explanation (in general) of what it is and does (also for the noobcopters and noobsauces).

PSP Updates is good at this.

May 11th, 2006, 18:15
i would like to see a working genesis emulator for eloader. Dgen seems to be the best one out but it does not work with the eloader !
dgen works fine for me with eloader

May 11th, 2006, 19:49
I'll agree with Emeriastone... A short discription on what the app is/does and a pic or two, even on updates if you havn't catched the first release... Also, it would be nice if the section of the apps was divided into the app that only work on 1.0/1.5, those witch work on 2.0 and those witch work on all, and that it would be written in the news off an new app... it doesn't allways says that:)...


PS. Shadow, your spelling still sucks, lol (I know mine isn't perfect, but whatever:P)

May 11th, 2006, 20:05
Personally I think a homebrew podcast is a great idea:)

May 11th, 2006, 20:37
I think a desription of all the APPs is an AWESOME idea!

May 11th, 2006, 21:06
that is an awesome idea. and i'd also like to see a talented coder working on a PSone emulator. i havent heard of an update on builds or progress or anything on the pspsone in a LONG time.

May 11th, 2006, 21:14
that is an awesome idea. and i'd also like to see a talented coder working on a PSone emulator. i havent heard of an update on builds or progress or anything on the pspsone in a LONG time.
Pacmanfan said on his website that he is working on a dynarec. Anyway other than the dream of me becoming a mod :) I think the app description is a good idea.

May 11th, 2006, 22:31
Podcast sounds good. I'm game.

May 11th, 2006, 22:35
i think the website needs a complete overhall complete with a new url... dcemu is now longer the main purpose of the site. everything sort of feels duct taped together, and the pages could use some more organization

(imho of course)

May 11th, 2006, 22:39
How am I going to know if I amaze someone? Or how will I even know if I make them laugh?
I don't know the answer to this question. But hey, why not take a trip to the site of the most controversial projeKt on the net while you're here?


Click ^ There. Because everyone needs a little Psix.

F**K YOU, Oopo and Yoshihiro!!! :D

May 11th, 2006, 22:50
How about posting meet and greet sites for psp owners across the country where they can get together and compete or just hang out and check out each others game/brew

May 12th, 2006, 00:00
I want to know what people think of pie...and if you are reading this and have no sense of humor please read the following post...and if your stupid enough to look for a following post please go to the nearest road and run into traffic...and if your stupid enough to do that remember this...


-I'm sorry it's just pie just gets me this way.

May 12th, 2006, 00:43
dgen works fine for me with eloader

what version of dgen are you using?

May 12th, 2006, 00:53
shadow why are u a newbis with over 800 posts?

May 12th, 2006, 03:22
I would like to see a psp mod. The ability to mod to psp to fit in a Game boy Advance Sp hardware so it uses the psp screen and button but plays with the game boy advance cartrige that would solve the GBA emulator probelms.

May 12th, 2006, 04:40
One thing I would really like to see this site have is: for each homebrew release to have a box that says which firmwares it works on.

Things that I wish existed, which for some reason, do not seem to exist includes:
1. PSP UMD Game/Movie list with which firmware version it needs. (1.00 users really need this).
2. Complete guide into how to do that multi-firmware hardware hack that 0okm did! What I want to know most is where you buy the stuff.

Please? I know both are a little complicated, but these are the two things i desperately want.
For #2, I'm actually considering buying the 1000+ samsung nand flash chips (the min amount you can get) and sell each chip in return for information on how to use it! :p
I'm sure 1000 of those would cost a lot tho (something else I would like to know)...

I would like to see a psp mod. The ability to mod to psp to fit in a Game boy Advance Sp hardware so it uses the psp screen and button but plays with the game boy advance cartrige that would solve the GBA emulator probelms.I would like the same, but i want to have ps1 hardware instead (not cd obviously, map to ms instead)... :rolleyes:

May 12th, 2006, 04:50
Something where each member can select which homebrew they have on their psp (etc)... showing popularity and who has it

May 12th, 2006, 06:35
Something where each member can select which homebrew they have on their psp (etc)... showing popularity and who has it

Yeah that would be neat, good thinking! :)

May 12th, 2006, 20:24
I love this news site already, and am really happy with all the news it offers. I read it daily, sometimes two or three times a day. I'd love to see more emulation, homebrew, and especially UMD loaders. I think that UMD loaders offer a great possibility for people like me. I travel a lot, and I can't have a lot of disks carried with me... Plus, for new game sot run on my PSP I need to rip them, fix the ISO, and load 'em onto one of my few memory cards. Some news of umd loaders isn't meantioned here, and I think it should be. Please consider this! Thanks for all the work put into this site, I appreciate it!

Cheers, hawk

Cap'n 1time
May 12th, 2006, 20:39
I love this news site already, and am really happy with all the news it offers. I read it daily, sometimes two or three times a day. I'd love to see more emulation, homebrew, and especially UMD loaders. I think that UMD loaders offer a great possibility for people like me. I travel a lot, and I can't have a lot of disks carried with me... Plus, for new game sot run on my PSP I need to rip them, fix the ISO, and load 'em onto one of my few memory cards. Some news of umd loaders isn't meantioned here, and I think it should be. Please consider this! Thanks for all the work put into this site, I appreciate it!

Cheers, hawk

no. all people want these umd loaders for is warez and we really dont need the ignorance that comes with the warez crowd.

John Vattic
May 12th, 2006, 20:57
whats a podcast
Yeah what's a podcast?

and does one need a "pod" to get the cast?

first, I refuse to buy a mypod.

second, Mypods are for volkswagen driving macintosh using flower power elitist hippy toe-sniffing tree-hugging stinky anti-shower cnn news watching pot-smoking flag-waving communist sociopathic nazis!

third, the second also applys to Myspace.com!

fourth, for those of us without big expensive internet connections, how usable and available is it for us?

fifth, Random non offencive whitty comment from shadowprohet.

sixth, i don't trust a man with a ds!

seventh, there is a cure for emo syndrome!

eighth, invest in Euros!

ninth, noobs asking for warez should burn for all eternity!

tenth, Sony stole alot of my money, so I'm not purchasing a PS3! (see the more affordable nintendo Wii)

eleventh, what the hell is a shoutcast?

twelfth, noobs who update firmware should not be allowed to think for themselves!

thirteenth,, Followup to non offencive whitty comment from shadowprophet, complete with random bits of wisdom passed down through the ages lol

fourteenth, "avoid joining the millitary, it sucks"-as signatured by another dcemu user

and fifteenth, have i forgot anything?

May 13th, 2006, 01:24
Dude, chill, "Podcast" is just a name for online audio feed that popular culture has dubbed "podcast". Besides, apple users have it better, and I'm considering buying one and running boot camp (Windows and OSX, wOOt!).

May 13th, 2006, 15:43
lol vattic, that's one of the craziest post's i've seen for a while... seriously, what's so special about pod casts... just a normal streaming auido feed... :confused: