View Full Version : PSone emu-getting the roms!

May 11th, 2006, 19:38
Ok, everyone all knows that we're going to have to "pay" for the roms when we download them or whatnot and that sony is probably going to assign there own unique code to these roms.

Easier way to do this? It depends on how generous people are. If there "files" i'm sure someone thats really cool and nice will upload all the important ones such as

Tony Hawk 2
Chrono Cross
Metal Gear: Solid etc etc

think that this would be possible? I sure hope so. I wouldnt mind updating one of my psp's for free psone emulation!

However, for all you people who aren't fortunate to have 2 psp's i'd stay at 1.50 or 2.00 because you never know when a kickass emulator for psone (or N64) is going to be finalized. (Like we saw with Daedulus completely unexpected) 1.50 forever people! so if you cant get your psone shit for free I wouldnt even debate it!

May 11th, 2006, 19:54
I doubt this plan would work, and for a very good reason:

Odds are, Sony's going to make you download the games directly to your PSP, either from the PSP browser of via USB cable with your PSP attached to your PC. Your PSP has a MAC assigned to it, a number unique to your PSP and yours alone. It's most likely that Sony will use this to identify the PSP that the game is allowed to play in, so uploading the files would basically be useless.

As you may recall, Sony is already doing these things with their for-pay download video service. The movie files are locked into a certain PSP, and there's just no way around that.

May 11th, 2006, 22:20
...how many time will they going to try to sell us the same old game??? i ve already pay for the game i like on the ps1...i own the game box, cd ,booklet...so why i would have to pay again to play the same game...

sony miss the point...emulation should be free.!!!.

F U sony i won t update...

May 12th, 2006, 03:06
We all already know that Sony likes to rip everyone off....
*Looks at PS3 controller....enough said.

May 12th, 2006, 03:37
.. O_o If you don't want to update or play the games, why do you care? I don't see why peolpe post about it if they're not going to be involved. I don't like the idea of updating, but if they have any games I really want to play, I'll do it.

May 12th, 2006, 04:35
How do they know you already paid for it? See what i'm saying it comes down to two things Sony rips us off or people rip them off. So they have to put a price tag. its just away for them to make money. Their a buisiness and thats what buisness do make as much money as they can. Plus even tho you have to pay for games you might own its not going to be as expensive as a psp games are. I think they said it would be anywhere from 10 Dollars to 15. But knowing sony it will realisticaly be 20 - 30. Personaly i like the sony console and games but the company in my opinion is to gready. The only company that is remotaly not going to rip you. Is Nintendo. Personaly i like all of them Xbox, Nintendo and Playstation. As for sony's controler thats funny they took nintendo idea lol. But i really don't mind it if makes the game play better thats fine with me lol.

May 12th, 2006, 04:42
jman has a good point...

hmm i doubt that the files will be accessable through usb connecting

(ps.. ps1=iso cartridges=roms

May 12th, 2006, 04:46
Ya but who knows maby someone will figure a way around it. I mean sony wasn't expecting homebrew on there console lol.

May 12th, 2006, 07:47
Man, there is a lot of Sony hate in the Sony forums. :(

May 12th, 2006, 08:15
kaiser i don't think people hate sony but people are fursterated because sony really rips people off sometimes. Unlike Nintendo they are more a reasonable company out to make money, yes. but not as gready as sony and i think people wish sony were less about the money and more about the consumer. But like i said earler if sony gives people in general an inch they take a mile. no what i mean? It comes down to two things Sony rips us off or people rip them off.

Cap'n 1time
May 12th, 2006, 14:23
I hate them. sony knocked up my sister.

May 12th, 2006, 15:43
Unlike Nintendo they are more a reasonable company out to make money, yes. but not as gready as sony and i think people wish sony were less about the money and more about the consumer. =

Now I love Nintendo games, don't get me wrong, but that post brings another thing that bugs me. All companies are out to make money. Nintendo trys to maximize its profits even more then Sony. Its part of the reason they keep they're technology so simple. It has very little to do with "keeping games at their roots" but rather about making more money off their consoles. People tend to think Nintendo makes games from the goodness of their hearts. No, they make games to make money like everyone else. Period. Money is what seperates homebrew and commercial gaming.

May 12th, 2006, 23:59
Now I love Nintendo games, don't get me wrong, but that post brings another thing that bugs me. All companies are out to make money. Nintendo trys to maximize its profits even more then Sony. Its part of the reason they keep they're technology so simple. It has very little to do with "keeping games at their roots" but rather about making more money off their consoles. People tend to think Nintendo makes games from the goodness of their hearts. No, they make games to make money like everyone else. Period. Money is what seperates homebrew and commercial gaming.

Absolutely spot on kaiser. i see people complaning about buying ps1 games twice, with the wii out soon and its ability to play the nintendo back catalogue do these same people believe nintendo will be giving the roms away free?
No they won't be free, we will pay for them and if you previously owned a SNES and bought say mario 3 ( 39.99 ) you then could have bought it again for GBA ( 29.99 ) and then will be paying for it again on Wii.

Also at least sony try to innovate and create software for everyone, stuff like singstar, buzz, eyetoy and guitar hero whereas nintendo seem to re-release the same titles over and over with very little difference to them.
Ok all games companies are guilty of that but seriously how many times are they gonna release near identical sequels ( f-zero, metroid prime, pilotwings ,wave race the list goes on)?

May 13th, 2006, 04:51
*agrees* Sony spends 2-3 times as much in R&D as Nintendo, and approx 10x as much as Microsoft (who just uses existing hardware). Also, Sony incurs higher production costs due to the equipment their trying to achieve. The PSP screen for example, is a marvelous thing. The resolution for the size is AMAZING! And very expensive to produce. Sony spent the money to develop an in-house GFX processor, whereas Nintendo and Microsoft went to ATI and nVidia to have them developed.

And for those of you that think Nintendo never charged you twice for games, I point you to the "classic" series for GBA. Sony states PS1 games for $10-$15, Nintendo CHARGES $15-$20 for NES games! But nobody complains. Think about it.

May 13th, 2006, 04:58
Man, there is a lot of Sony hate in the Sony forums. :(
I fricken hate sony the only reason I have a PSP is because of the homebrew. I am a diehard Nintendo fanboy at heart, though also kinda like Microsoft a little.

May 13th, 2006, 06:36
Kaiser did you read my post all the way? I said Nintendo was a company and yes there out to make money like everyone else. I have just noticed a the company was a little less greedy than sony and a little more about the consumer. Now when i say that i ment a little not alot a little. All company do what they do best make money lol thats what companys do lol.

May 13th, 2006, 07:01
Sony spent the money to develop an in-house GFX processor, whereas Nintendo and Microsoft went to ATI and nVidia to have them developed.

... Sony's GPU is developed by nVidia. =p It's an RSX GPU made for Sony.

Just seems like it's important to point that out. As for the rest of the argument? I'm not going to touch it. Let everyone else battle it out.

May 13th, 2006, 09:10
Kaiser did you read my post all the way? I said Nintendo was a company and yes there out to make money like everyone else. I have just noticed a the company was a little less greedy than sony and a little more about the consumer. Now when i say that i ment a little not alot a little. All company do what they do best make money lol thats what companys do lol.

I read your post. I started arguing directly at you but went on a little rant which I apoligize for. I'll try too make my arguments more direct.

Nintendo is in no way "less greedy" either. Sony puts out a lot of stuff, I know. Some of high quality and some rather lackluster stuff. But Sony makes a much smaller profit off its products then Nintendo does. In fact Nintendo makes very healthy profits since its not as much of a risk-taker as Sony. Many people think that the Wii is extremely risky and creative of Nintendo. While I won't argue the innovation behind it I will argue that Nintendo is only making stuff that is safe and will be well recieved to their niche market. Nintendo has no plans of expanding their market share any time soon as they're are making great profits as it is (Check out Nintendo's stock prices compared to Sony's and Microsoft).

Anyway back to the topic at hand. I dislike how people constantly bash Sony and Microsoft for being money hungry and not caring about "true" gamers. Since its clear with a little research that Nintendo is just as much after the green as others and despite what people say there is a degree of professionalism and respect for games within Sony and Microsoft. They have there own Shigeru Myamoto's who are doing it for the love of game design but as a company they all strive for profit. You also cannot assume Sony and Microsoft don't care about the consumer. The consumer is king in capitalism. Sony holds the largest portion of the market because it meets the wants of the consumers more then any other company. There is no arguing behind that because its simple economics.

... Sony's GPU is developed by nVidia. =p It's an RSX GPU made for Sony.

Just seems like it's important to point that out. As for the rest of the argument? I'm not going to touch it. Let everyone else battle it out.

I think he is reffering to the Cell proccesor and not the GPU. Which unlike Nintendo's and Microsoft's proccesors, was not just a modified version of a computer procceser already in existence at the time of development. While the Sony did have help with the Cell's creation a lot of credit should be given to Sony for bankrolling and developing new technology. Which can be beneficial to more then just Sony.

I fricken hate sony the only reason I have a PSP is because of the homebrew. I am a diehard Nintendo fanboy at heart, though also kinda like Microsoft a little.

Why do you hate Sony? I'm curious. Nintendo are probably the most anti-homebrew company in existence.

I also apologize if I come off as an ass in any part of this post. I actually got to thank you Jman, this is the best discussion I've seen in months.

May 13th, 2006, 15:31
*agrees* could'nt agree more kaiser, all of the big game companys are after our hard earned cash. As long as they keep producing games of good quality, I'll buy games for all three consoles. They all have great games so i personally don't get all this i hate whoever, these people miss out on some fantastic software just because of their dislike of a certain brand.

I don't think you come across as an ass kaiser you tell it how it is!

May 13th, 2006, 16:20
kaiser is exactly right..... nintendo doesnt lose money on consoles because it trys and stays safe... sony trys to give the consumer everything it ever wanted and relys on games for money

ps cooe14... i honestly doubt that is why you origionaly got it

May 13th, 2006, 17:06
I like Sony :) and would pay and upgrade happily for PSone emu ;)


May 13th, 2006, 22:12
There's been numerous polls already and the majority liked the DS's E3 showing better than the PSPs. This can be attributed to multiple reasons, but the DS definitely had the better surprises and that's what E3 is about.

And I call bullcrap on your "DS games are archaic" argument. Yoshi's Island 2's graphics and style are amazing and vivid. The gameplay still remains fresh, too, while adding a lot to it (changing the baby characters and their powers). You can say you want Crisis Core and MGS, but don't say their gameplay is more different or new than Yoshi's Island.

May 13th, 2006, 22:16
My point is that I saw games on Wii, X360, and DS that looked like NEW gaming experiences. Even if it is an old franchise, I saw fresh interpretations, and new ways to play the game. I think Sony may be in some serious trouble for this "next generation." The day they brought GTA-LCS over to PS2, i realized that they really didn't care if PSP was just a portable port box. I am still hoping for more than that. I am not a nintendo fanboy. Up until late, i was absolutely a sony/microsoft fan. But, I gotta go where the quality, unique, exclusive games go.

May 13th, 2006, 22:18
"Nintendo is in no way "less greedy" either. Sony puts out a lot of stuff, I know. Some of high quality and some rather lackluster stuff. But Sony makes a much smaller profit off its products then Nintendo does. In fact Nintendo makes very healthy profits since its not as much of a risk-taker as Sony. Many people think that the Wii is extremely risky and creative of Nintendo. While I won't argue the innovation behind it I will argue that Nintendo is only making stuff that is safe and will be well recieved to their niche market. Nintendo has no plans of expanding their market share any time soon as they're are making great profits as it is (Check out Nintendo's stock prices compared to Sony's and Microsoft)."

ever heard of brain age? the number one sellign game in japan?

May 14th, 2006, 01:16
I bet within the PSone emulator, there will be a way to run an exploit.

May 14th, 2006, 03:13
ever heard of brain age? the number one sellign game in japan?

Yes I have. What does that have to do with what I said?

I clearly said Nintendo was making great profits from its niche market. Brain Age is a game that can easily be considered a part of that "niche". I don't understand your point.

May 14th, 2006, 07:00
the number one selling game isnt niche, if its making that kind of profit its quite mainstream in Japan. and it targets older gamers specifically not kids.

May 14th, 2006, 07:36
personally, I have never heard of brain age. sounds like a puzzle game. What is it, fps, mmo, rpg?

May 14th, 2006, 08:09
the number one selling game isnt niche, if its making that kind of profit its quite mainstream in Japan. and it targets older gamers specifically not kids.

Fair enough, Nintendo has taken many risks with software I suppose. But the whole "risk taking" thing wasn't the main point of my argument. Its the "less greedy" and the part about Sony "treating consumers badly" that I was trying to disprove.

May 14th, 2006, 11:25
how can you call the PSP a quality device?

Would you call Dead Pixels quality?
Would you call Disc Read Errors a sign of a quality device?
Do you think Rootkits is just Sony making sure its products are quality?
Do you think a Sony Vaio computer that can't rip music from cds that were produced Sony Records a quality piece of equipment?

Sony does indeed have the image of a quality device but I ask you, if things like this continue to occur how long will that image of quality last?

May 14th, 2006, 11:26
personally, I have never heard of brain age. sounds like a puzzle game. What is it, fps, mmo, rpg?

I think its like sudoku or math, asians love that shit.

May 14th, 2006, 20:46
Brain age is still a niche title even though it was best selling game in japan. Thats because japan is kind of like a niche market anyway they sell games to japanese consumers that would never (and possibly shouldn't ) see light of day in the west.

We are starting to get titles like this in the west especially on the DS but these titles will never be as mainstream as they are in japan

May 18th, 2006, 18:49
It's funny, the PSP comes out and is unarguably the most sophisticated hand held device to date and everyone bitches about it having a FEW flaws. Yes, there are dead pixels, but look at the size and density of those pixels, it's never been done before, how could you know what to expect? Yes, there are read errors, but it's a mini DVD, again, what do you expect?? When the iPod first came out it had a 98% return rate, 98%!! Only 2 out of every 100 units did not fail within 30 days of first use. Yet it continues to be one of the most beloved items on the market. I am not a Sony fanboy, if anything I am a Nintendo fanboy, but I am a hardcore technology enthusiast, and any sudden leaps in the technology are always a good thing to me. You should all be thankful that Sony didn't decide to go with SOLEDs and charge $800 for the PSP! If you don't know what SOLED is, do a google search for Stacked OLED.

And don't blame Sony for the quality of the games, or praise Nintendo for all of theirs. In-house games are actually few and far between for Sony, and the best selling Nintendo games are franchises that are 10-20 years old (Zelda, Star Fox, etc).

And earlier, I was referring to the PS2, not the PS3. I have not looked at the specs of the PS3 in about a year, so I'd rather not comment on that.

And to the topic of this thread, I don't know that there will be a way to get the PSOne emu from Sony to play our own ISO's, however it may open up a new exploit for firmware 3.0.

Would be funny as hell to have the Sony PSOne emu load my SNES-TYL instead :P