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View Full Version : Join the Company of Heroes

May 11th, 2006, 22:40
Via Gamesradar (http://www.gamesradar.com/gb/pc/game/news/article.jsp?articleId=2006051120525656012&sectionId=1006)

We've nabbed a huge slab of footage from those happy few - the heavily branded brothers from THQ's real-time strategy Company of Heroes.

Now you may moan and groan about fighting your way across Europe against the Axis powers all over again but once this epic clip hits the back of your retinas you'll be reaching for your Brylcreem and M1 faster that you can say "Achtung, achtung. Gott in himmel!"

For not only are these the chaps behind the space-epic Homeworld and Warhammer 40,000 Dawn of War, but Company of Heroes gives you the chance to command numerous types of soldiers in dramatically destroyable environments and ever changing weather conditions.

What's more, it looks like being a bit of a cracker too. Want some proof to back up that bold statement? Well, all you need to do is right-click on the link above and watch the trailer for yourself.

And while that footage is winging its way over to your desktop, remember to keep an eye out for more of our coverage of Company of Heroes as, with its huge, strategy-driven campaigns, convincing combat AI and huge amount of online options, it is sure to remain big news right up to the day of its release.